Monday 15 July 2013

No wonder my hair is gray....´s all these teenagers that are in the house!!

Yesterday afternoon the house got invaded. Leah invited her new boyfriend home. His name is Nicklas. She also invited Mia our neighbour over. Then Andrew invited Camilla over and so peace and quietness disappeared in the Rasmussen household for about 8 hours yesterday!! :-)

A bunch of teenagers are really noisy!! I had forgotten that! For the most of last week Kristian and I were on our own for dinner and I think we had just gotten used to the peace and quiet about the place. 

They played Uno for a whle..

The idea was that they would all come for a BBQ but the weather was awful. It was like an Autumn day, windy, gray and cold so we changed the plan and I made Mexican.

After dinner they all piled into my car and went to the petrol station to buy ice cream. It was then home to watch a film. I thought peace would descend over the house while they watched TV....but oh no that never happened!  They still never shut up! haha

In the end I locked myself away in the bedroom with my scanner and went through some old pictures and scanned them into facebook. 

Even though I complain about the noise, I did enjoy having them and I am getting to know them a little more each time. I really like Camilla the more I hang out with her, she has a great sense of humour and I can joke away with her. She really can bring Andrew out of his shell. Nicklas seems like a nice fella too so I am looking forward to getting to know him better. 

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