Tuesday 2 July 2013

Almost finished....

.....with my art project.

A few weekends ago I started an art project  I wanted to try and make an old looking sign with a Bible verse on it. So I bought the wood. I paid about 5 pounds for the lot and then I got to work......

I needed to make the new wood look old so I stained it with tea, then let it dry. I then washed over it with vinegar. All this made the wood darker but not dark enough. So I got out my paints and played around. In the end I got something that i was happy for. 

My wood was starting to look old (the piece along the bottom is the orginal colour of the wood.) I was rather pleased with it.

Then I painted different colours onto some pieces of the wood, others I left like wood. Then came the hard part, painting the letters......

Sone of the lettering needs going over again and I till have the last two pieces of wood to finish to make the verse complete.

I think I will hang it in our bedroom. I just love being reminded of this verse. It is my "life" Bible verse. I believe it to be the secret to a happy, fulfilled life. I try to live by this verse. Listening to God´s voice and following it, even when my own voice says something else, has kept me out of a lot of messes. This version of the verse is taken from The Message Bible.


Etta said...

Good for you Laura - that's really cool. There must be something in the air that's driving us all back to crafts.... I'm crocheting and quilting loads this weather - but I really love your sign!

Etta said...
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Laura said...

Thanks Etta:-) So what are you crocheting? I crocheted when I was a wee girl, my granny taught me but I tried it a few years ago and could not get the hang of it:-) it´s great having something creative to work on. Enjoy!!! :-)

Etta said...

aha... it's a "thing" for a birthday present.... tell you later!

I generally have wee baby blankets on the go as I can tuck a hook and a yarnball in my bag and it's handy for when I'm hanging around somewhere waiting.

It's great for giving Ellie something to talk about when I'm at the nursing home - general conversation is hard work, but somehow if I settle in to a bit of hooky she blethers away and it's company for her.

Don't know about you Laura, but I'd go nuts if I couldn't grab even 15 minutes every day of something creative!