Sunday 13 September 2009

Not a perfect man....

I am sure all of us women will agree that our men are FAR from perfect!!!

For our anniversary Kristian made me a CD. The first song on the CD was the one I have put on a video below. The title is "I´m not a perfect man!" (I dont just love the words but also the melody in the song.) I thought I would share it with all you girls to encourage you not to give up on your men!! haha They are not perfect but they still need our love and patiences...LOTS of it!!

Today in church one of the younger women shared about a book she had been reading about the power of a praying wife. She encouraged all us women to pray for our husbands. I didnt hear all the details, I was in Sunday school, but the idea is that the married woman in the church will take the month of October as a special month to pray for our husbands. She has made a handout with all the details about it, so next Sunday I must get one. Maybe some of you ladies out in cyber space will be interested in joining in!! (I will post the details later)

(The picture below stays the same. I didnt know how else to get the song on the blog, other than to put it on as music to a picture...hope you enjoy!)


Stuart and Pauline said...

Hi Laura, I've been reading "the power of a praying wife" this year too. It was recommended by my Bible study group for mothers of pre-school age children. The writer's name is brilliant Stormie O'Martian. Some of it you think, actually the reason that situation has changed is because you stopped nagging your husband and started praying instead, rather than it was because of the prayer. Then again that shows a change in attitude and heart, so probably her husband would've responded better in those situations, because she wasn't banging on about them any more.

It is a very good book and each chapter is very short and very accessible. I hadn't even thought to pray for Stuart in the areas she suggests.

Laura said...

oh that sounds good pauline - I might buy the book myself. I think the girl at church has made a guideline thing that we can use...with ideas about areas to pray for. As I said I was in Sundayschool but when I came up from the basement into church Kristian couldnt wait to tell me about it!! haha There is hope for him yet that his nagging wife will stop nagging and start praying instead! haha

Stuart and Pauline said...

At the end of each chapter there is already a prayer that you can pray based around the issues in that chapter. So maybe she was talking about that, there would be no need to make her own guidelines. It has 30 chapters, so just right to do in one month. I wonder if there is the male equivalent!!!! Stuart has also used it to pray around the same issues for me.

Laura said...

Well I have just ordered the book, second hand, through costs me 11p for the book and £3.95for postage!! haha

I dont think the girl at church made her own guidelines, its something she took from the book that could be a help to all of us. But now I have my own book...well I will have soon. Kristian cant wait till I get it - wonder why??!!

Anybody got any other good christian books to recommend. Looking for some books to order next month for my autumn reading. OH I just love getting my books in for the dark nights, then going off to bed early, sticking on the electric blanket and getting lost in my book. Thats the life:-)

lisa said...

With regards to your last comment - you are the only person I know who admits to having an electric blanket apart from me!!!! Ha ha we are the electric blanket sisters!!!!!

That books sounds good but I would need knee protectors for the amount of hours I would have to pray for Ronnie ha ha!!! He's just given me a dirty look - see - no sense of humour and appreciation for his loving wife!!!

Stuart and Pauline said...

Laura, when I read for any length of time I just fall asleep. So being in bed with a cosy, warm electric blanket would not help me at all!!

We're doing a really interesting series this term in our Home Groups on the Beatitudes. I've never looked at them before, so we're all hoping to be challenged and changed by them.

lisa said...

Although I havent started to pack, Ive started clearing out cupboards and drawers, and because a lot of the stuff has been here from my childhood its a trip down memory lane. I found this leaflet that my aunt Lilian had given me when I first became a Christian when I was about 9 or 10. So its at least 30 years old and it shows! A few extracts are:-' You must always kneel to pray. Make a clean cut with everything you know a Christian should not do, do not frequent such places as the dance-hall, the picture theatre or the lounge bar. These places are godless places with unconverted people. Beware of the immortal films shown on television. Burn every bridge behind you. Refuse to touch drink, no matter who would be offended. Have finished with make-up and the marks of the world upon you. A painted face, bedecked with earrings can never reflect the face of Jesus'

Well, Im breaking nearly every one of those! Laura the one about the cinema will always remind me of your mum! Now you have to burn your Mamma Mia DVD - sorry!!!!

But theres no way I could live without my mascara! I have black hair but have blond eyelashes and look just freaky, so its a necessity lol!!

And going by that we cant go back to Speranzas either! Oh dear!!!!!

Laura said...

Praise the Lord that we are not under rules and regulations anymore!! I mean that leaflet makes becoming a christian sound very boring indeed and Jesus came to give us life and life to the full (and overflowing!!) (The thief comes only to steal and kill and destroy I have come that they may have life and have it to the full - I think its from John 10)

You are right Lisa about my mum, she would have been disgusted with me knowing I had been to see Mamma Mia like a 100 times!! haha

Lisa I love my electric blanet - so looking forward to using it again....its a bit too warm yet, but soon, very soon!! Yipieeee hahaha

Karen Templeton said...

Laura, I soooo needed to read your post today. I've been moaning at Allan all week and was feeling pretty guilty. Anyway, I went straight on to Amazon and bought a copy too!

I noticed they also have "The Power of a Praying Parent" so I think that is next as my two girls have been challenging me recently ha!

Laura said...

OH that is good Karen - hey maybe we can start a little internet womens praying club for our men!!

Yes I noticed the one about the power of a praying parent. I thought about getting it too, but I will start with the praying husband one.

I was also listening to Joyce Meyer the other day and she was speaking about the power of our words - it was so good, really challenged me cause she talked about attitudes and about complaining....Kristian listened with me and I got many "this is for you" looks and nudges throughout the teaching! haha So between the book and Joyces teaching maybe he will get himself a quiet wife who doesnt complain and nag!! hahaha

lisa said...

Laura, it not only makes becoming a Christian very boring but its scary in parts too! I think it would put anyone right off! I remember reading it as a child and being scared to breath in case I broke a rule! I was analysing everything I was thinking, saying and doing constantly afraid I was going to be struck by lightning - hell fire and brimstone and all that!!

Laura said...

yeah its so sad that many times us christians keep people out of heaven with all the man made rules and regulations!! Its not about rules but a relationship.

lisa said...

Just been on amazon and ordered Francine Rivers 'Atonement Child' and 'The Scarlet Thread'. So how many of you have read them and are they as good as Redeeming Love?

Laura said...

They both are good - but I liked the Scarlet thread better than atonement child. Atonement child was also good, but it is written in a modern times and I think Francine Rivers is brilliant writing about 1800´s or even earlier when she does ones about bible characters - they are brilliant. You should get the book "The women in the lineage of Jesus" they are brilliant...also hlep you understand bible times, but written with such modern understanding, if you get my drift. Also she has a a series about a jewish slave girl taken captive about 50AD this is absolutely brillliant - all three books, you just need to get past the first 4 or 5 chapters as it sets up the scene, but then it is soooo exciting.

I loved the scarlet thread too, but my favourite is still Redeeming Love! Hope that helped - phew, now desperate housewives are on - have to go bye