Thursday 27 May 2010

Kristian is a happy man!!

and it´s not because he is married to me!! NO, he is happy because finally he is living his dream.

Kristian is driving go-karts! (Will men ever grow up??!)

Sara is taking a year off from the racing. It´s not something that she is very happy about, but she has a lot of school work, which takes a lot of her time. Then there´s the time and money she spends going back and forward to Belgium. So now it´s Kristian big chance!! He has got the opportunity to use Saras old cart to race!! Well do I have a happy man?!! - that is to say the least!!

On Wednesday he raced his first race. It was at the Copenhagen Go-kart track and he came in third. A bronze medal is now proudly hanging in his wee "cupboard".

My man in action! Cart number 73!

Look at the joy on their faces! hahaha

Must say, he did do well. This was his first race and the other drivers have been racing for years out at the track They were actually teasing Kristian about his new driving suit. His was clean and shiny white, while everyone elses suits were covered in oil and dirt. haha

Well I am sure this is just the first of many races that I will hear about and you in turn will also hear about!


Rhoda said...

Boys and their toys eh?!

Happy Karting Kristian - now remember Laura maintains she hates it, so you have to give her lots of special treats since she is making this huge sacrifice for you!!!!

I thought it was rather funny Laura, that the only one not smiling is the one that got gold!!!!!

lisa said...

Well done Krisitan!

Im sorry but I have to say now I cant read the comments without looking for the apostrophes!! Why did you start this?????

Rhoda said...

To test your PATIENCE Lisa:-) So now you too can join in on the search for the wondering apostrophe:-) Never mind Find Willie it's find the apostrophe - LOL

(Not patiences Laura:-)!!!!!!

Stuart and Pauline said...

Laura, you only wrote this post so that you could get away from the punctuation lessons.

If you read Eat Shoots and Leaves you will become a "stickler"!!!!

Lisa, did you choose not to use any apostrophes in your post on purpose??!! ;-}

Congrats to Kristian though, very well done!!!!

lisa said...

No Pauline it was a total fluke but if it makes me look more intelligent then I will say I did it on purpose lol!! But I do however know the difference between patience and patients because I deal with the 'patient' kind all day long - and they very often don't have any patience!!!!!

Rhoda said...

Ha ha ha ha ha - this is becoming sooooo funny:)

Laura said...

hahaha this is sooo funny with apostrophes and patience and patients hahahaha I love it;-) hahaha

Rhoda said...

ha ha ha! I'm just reading back over the comments and now killing myself laughing. Pauline was pointing out that you had not used any apostrophes (and yes they were needed!!!!!)
"I'M sorry . . . . . I CAN'T" and there you were looking for them put not in your post!!!

I actually thought Laura named her post "Kirsitan is a happy man", instead of Kristian's a happy man so that she could avoid using an apostrophe:P

Pauline what do the think the chances are of us teaching these two how to use apostrophes?!
(Right now I'm thinking none!!!!!!!!)

(And no I've not read Eat Shoots and Leaves - keep thinking about getting it as I sort of know I would love it! How sad is that!!!!)

Laura said...

Oh yes - take the easy way out and just give up on us before you even really begin to educate us!!! hahahaha
I never even noticed that I called my post Kristian IS a happy man and not Kristian`s a happy man!!! hahaha (notice I remembered the apostrophe there!!) hahaha

Rhoda said...

Wow one small step of success - THERE IS HOPE!!!! (or among friends There's hope:-)!!)

(Or did you just copy and paste . . . . . ?!)

lisa said...

EXCUSE ME!!!!! I always use my apostrophes in the correct place (look back over anything Ive written)! If I miss them out it's because I'm writing really quickly to get down what I want to say!! That's my excuse and I'm sticking to it!! Oh and heres one I missed earlier '.

Rhoda said...

ROFLOL Lisa!!! And I really really am! I can hardly type for laughing.

"Everything Ive written?"!!!!!!

You're in debt and need another two in that post alone!!!!!!!!!!

Laura said...

Oh dear - sorry Lisa - what have I started hahahahahaha Loved the post though, I even noticed the missing apostrophes hahahahaha that was funny!

oh I agree with lisa, sometimes I just type and I know there should be an apostrophe but want to get everything typed quickly - hahaha well thats my story and I´m sticking it. hahahah

Stuart and Pauline said...

Who knows the difference between practise and practice??!! Also, when is it right to use a semi-colon? We will blow your minds, mwahahahahahah!!!!!

Rhoda, you will love that book, someone bought it for me years ago and I read it when I started my MA in creative writing. It is funny, but I learned so much too!!!

Laura, "well thats my story". Tee hee!!!!

Rhoda, we may just get there; one day!!!! ;-}

The main one people get wrong.

Its, it's.

It's very common that people get that one wrong.

The dog had a kennel. Its kennel was red.

Come back for more lessons in the English language with Rhoda and Pauline tomorrow.

Rhoda said...

I honestly never thought I would laugh so much over the humble floating apostrophe.

Practice & Practise? I knew one was the noun the other verb but which is which? I had no idea until I googled it - and hey ho a great answer:

"Practice is a noun, practise is a verb. Ice is a slippery thing, whereas ise is not a thing - so remember that practice is a thing and practise is a doing word:

"The only thing Dean didn't like about piano practice was practising his scales."

Another similar confusion is advice and advise. Fortunately it works in the same way."

Rhoda said...

LOL if Laura wrote this post to get away from grammar Lessons - it failed:)))))

Stuart and Pauline said...

Well for practise and practice.

Ise is a verb and ice is a noun.

C comes before S in the alphabet
N comes before V in the alphabet.

ice is a noun
ise is a verb.

Advise and advice are exactly the same.

I know this is sad, but I feel a massive release for every time I have read anything that has incorrect use of punctuation!!!! Very cathartic!!!

lisa said...

The point I was trying to make was the fact I had left them out on purpose!!!!!!!!


Rhoda said...

Aye Right Lisa . . . .:-)))))))

Etta said...

Enjoying this post girls.

Additional help with practise and practice - "" is something you have (a doctor's practice)and "" suggests something being done (practise the piano).

So for a bit of fun, there's the old googly about "woman without her man is nothing" - go punctuate!

Rhoda said...

Wills how about this?

"woman - without her, man is nothing"

Laura said...

"woman, without her man, is nothing." (you would probably punctuate it like that if you were a man!)

lisa said...

Im with Rhoda on that one lol - sorry Laura!!

Etta said...

its all just great isnt it really though im with rhoda to

(Oh, that was painful.)