Saturday 29 May 2010

What do you get....

...if you put an irish woman and a horse together? The answer is below!!

So today we were away on our yearly family daytrip with Kristians family. We had a brilliant day! This year we decided to help out at the farm. (Kristians brothers farm.)Everyone in the family gets some sort of joy from that place, so we decided to spend the day helping to clear out the barns and cow shed. So even though we worked, it didn´t feel like work, we had soooo much fun and as you can see, there was also time for horse riding - a sport I will NOT be taking up!!!

It was great catching up with the family. We had time to chat, laugh and just be cosy together. The weather was fantastic and the farm is in such a beautiful place. I think a wonderful day was had by all.


Rhoda said...

Giggle alert!!!

That poor horse - it must be THE most patient horse in the WORLD!!!!!!!

(I've had problems watching the whole video, can only see a few seconds and it jams - but I get the idea!! From the bits I did see I do think you should post that on youtube - it's priceless! How not to mount a horse!!!!!!)

So glad you had so much fun at Kristian's brother's farm - it certainly seemed a great day. Hard work with friends doesn't feel like work, you're right:-)

Stuart and Pauline said...

Laura, fabulous!!!! I was thinking the poor horse too, does it normally hear such high pitched squeals!!!!? Looks like you were all having a fabulous time anyway.

Rhoda. (whispering) I see what you did.

Laura said...

Wonder why the video jams? Ah well you can check it out on youtube if you´s at

Oh I see what you did too Rhoda - something I didnt do in my post!!! hahahahaha back to the same old subject eh!! hahahaha

We did have a fabulous day Pauline - It felt like being away on holiday.

Laura said...

P.s. I know, I know I didnt put a ` in didnt in the last post or in this post!!!! hahaha

Anonymous said...

Hahahahahihiiiiiiiiii !!! ;)
I just love your horse riding. I have never seen anything like it ;))))))
Now I know what we are going to do together Laura :0) HORSERIDING !
Love from Anne ;)

Laura said...

Jeg ville elske at se dig på en hest Anne!!! hahahahaha Du vil ALDRIG få mig på en hest igen!! hahaha

lisa said...

I said it before, its hilarious!! Soooo funny, Laura we are definitely going horse riding together and I can hardly wait! I'd better go to the loo before you try to get on the horse or I might wet myself laughing hahaha!!!!

Rhoda said...

Finally got to watch it the whole way through.

Oh Laura stick to painting:-))))))

Etta said...

This has got to be the entertainment of the week. If that's a kevlar body suit you're wearing, can I use this clip in work?!!! This is, as my American friend would say, "Stinking Funny".

Laura said...

Feel free to use it where ever you want Etta!! hahaha as long as it gives a laugh - a merry heart doeth good like a medicine!

Angie said...

Laura - I'm still laughing. It was all the cackling that went with it. I think you're like me. Me and horses have an understanding - they stay on one side of the fence and I stay on the other!! Thanks for brightening up my rather boring day!