Wednesday 11 August 2010

The crazy season has begun....

Yes, it´s all go here in the Rasmussen household.

Sara and Leah started school on Monday, Andrew starts next Monday and Kristian has been back at work a few weeks now.

I started back at school last Thursday and now the school is looking great - all bright and clean, ready for the children to start back.

I must admit that this evening, I have a few butterflies in my stomach. Tomorrow I have my first day of teaching English to the 4th graders (p5). Everything is prepared and packed. I think I have a fun and interesting teaching period put together, but let´s see how it goes tomorrow. I am looking forward to meeting the children. They started having English last year in P4, but it was only 45 minutes a week. So I am interested to see how much they know.

I´ll let you know how it goes! (I hope I can report back that it went well - I need the encouragement! I am just sitting here thinking "WHAT HAVE I GOT MYSELF INTO!" Good job I have Kristian, he has been encouraging me all evening through all my panic attacks!! Du er en skat!!)

One thing that got cleared up on Monday was my working hours. When I was asked to teach I was told it would have to be as extra hours. (Long story which I won´t bore you with.) I already work 30 hours cleaning in the school, and 7 hours with the church on a Wednesday. So I would need to work another 5 hours at the school teaching, plus a couple of hours preparation. (37 hours over 4 days!! )

So my boss and I sat down to work out my hours, and here I just have to say that I have got the best boss in the world! He told me that he was concerned that I was taking on too much. He knows I love being busy and creative, but he thought that these hours were just a bit too much and that I might just "break". Apparently they want me around the place for a few years yet!! haha So he said that he would cut back my cleaning hours so I still only work 30 hours total at the school. This means I meet at the same time and go home at the same time!

I really appreciate him looking out for me like this. I was wondering how I would cope, but I decided not to worry about it and just take one day at a time. I knew my days were going to be long for the next few months and I had talked about it with Kristian and the kids. They were backing me up. Now I am working the same hours so it´s all worked out great.

Now I just need to give it a go and see if this teaching lark is for me. I will try until Christmas and then if it´s not really me - I still have my toilet brush and mop!! (which I love!! - I really do!)

1 comment:

lisa said...

Only seeing this post now so you've had your first lesson. So how was it teacher?!! And thats great you got your hours sorted, see, all you had to do was pray!