Friday 13 August 2010

I survived... first 3 classes of teaching!! I actually REALLY enjoyed it and the children seemed to enjoy it too.

I had my first class yesterday, it was 4B , a class of 15 boys and 7 girls. They were wonderful. They were into everything I did. We started with the basic " Hello my name is.........what is your name" (but in a fun way that they really got into,) Our theme over the next couple of weeks is "My Family" - so we spent some time learning about that.

Today I met my other 4th grade class. I had heard from other teachers that they were really noisy, they just loved to talk, but otherwise they were very sweet, so I was prepared to be the strict teacher. At the start of the class I laid down my rules, they listened and I had not one bit of bother from them! English is the last period on a Friday afternoon for them. After such a long day they did really well.

Good job my nerves had settled down. When I arrived at the classroom one of the boys had his mum there. He asked "Laura, is it ok that my mum sits in on our English class, she forgot we first finished school at 2.30pm?" Well what could I say??? (NOOOOOO she can´t!! haha) I didn´t say that even though I thought it! haha

I actually didn´t mind. It gave me a chance to meet one of the parents up front, she sat through the whole lesson!

So now I have only my 3rd grade class to meet on Monday. I am so looking forward to that. I know some of the kids already from chatting to them as I clean. Today I met a few girls from the class and they came skipping over to me and said " We can´t wait to have English on Monday!" so sweet!!

But I do realise what a big responsibility I have. I want to give these kids a good start. I want English to be fun for them and not a chore. I want them to love coming to class and to have a desire to continue learning it over the next 5 years! I want to make it as simple for them as I can. I want what I teach them to stick.

I must admit my emotions can change from hour to hour. I do LOVE teaching!! (but sometimes I get overwhelmed with the job at hand!! Can I do it? Am I good enough for it? I have talked this over with my leaders and I have told them if they are not happy with what I am doing I am more than willing to step down and let someone else take over. But for the moment, I am finding my feet, finding out what the children do understand, and I am enjoying every moment. It will be interesting to see how I am feeling about it all by Christmas...that´s why I am writing all this now, so I can look back and remember how I was feeling at the how am I feeling?... happy, scared, overwhelmed, happy, excited, overwhelmed, stressed, loving it, overwhelmed, loving it, scared, stressed, happy!!! and the list could go on! hahaha)


Rhoda said...

Sounds brilliant Laura - well done. As long as you enjoy it I'm sure you'll do a great job:)

lisa said...

You sound like your doing so well so far, keep it up! You will soon get into the swing of things and look back at this post and laugh!!