Tuesday 9 August 2011

Quick update....

It´s been all go again in the Rasmussen household. 

Kristian was away all weekend at Copenhagen Historic Grand Prix. He was an offical, standing at one of the posts. He loves doing this every year - its become a tradition. He has been doing this for the last 10 or 11 years! (And I´m sure he will be doing it for another 10 or 11 years!!) Sara also went in to see the race. (The apple doesn´t fall far from the tree.)

Meanwhile I was at home cleaning, food shopping, washing and making meals!! It actually wasn´t as bad as it sounds. I had a really lovely day at home. After doing all the chores I just spent time reading.

Then on Sunday afternoon some of the girls from our church were going to a Zumba event and invited me along. It was in the instructors garden. It was sooo much fun. 

We had 45 minutes of dancing, then a 15 minute break to hear about Aloe Vera products, then another 45 minutes of dance. I was literally dead by the time I got home!! I lay on the sofa and slept for an hour! It was worth it though. The teacher was great fun and it rubbed off on the rest of it. We had a good afternoon of laughter and dance.

Monday it was back to work for both Kristian and me. Oh it´s hard getting to bed early again especially since the kids are still off for another few days. Sara starts school tomorrow (Wednesday) Leah starts Thursday and Andrew starts on Monday. I´m looking forward to everyone getting back so we all get into a routine.

Tonight I was meant to go meet my friend Jette at "our" cafe. When we have our date night we always meet at 8pm and have a hot chocolate, a smoothie or a coke zero and a natter. Today when we texted each other to see if everything was still on, Jette informed me she was going to be bad and buy a banana split. I am trying to diet again and I knew I would be tempted to do the same so I decided I wouldn´t eat dinner, then I would order a tiger prawn salad and eat that. (Great idea Laura! Much healthier choice than a banana split!)

I made dinner for Kristian and the kids. Sara had her friend Nanna here and she stayed for dinner. Half an hour before going out Jette rang to see if we could change it to next Tuesday as she wasn´t feeling the best. Off course we could - no problem there BUT then I realised I had not eaten dinner. Kristian and the kids had eaten everything, no food for old mums! So I decided I needed to do something, I told Kristian I would go get petrol in the car and grab something to eat. I then went and filled the car with petrol (cheap petrol for a change!) and then headed to McDonalds. (I know, I know all my good intentions of being good suddenly went out the window!) 

Well let me tell you I had a blast!!! There were hardly any people at McDonalds so I went in, ordered my menu and found myself a lovely wee table in the corner. I got out my phone and opened the Kindle on it and started to read my book. It was just sooo cosy. 

In the middle of it all we had a thunder storm. It poured down with rain and the lightening flashed while the thunder roared. I was in my element. I decided to check the time - it was 9.15pm!! I had been there an hour and 15 minutes! I wondered why no one at home had called, didn´t they miss me? I had no sooner thought that when the phone rang - it was Kristian! "Eh how big is your petrol tank?" he asked "What?" I replied. "Well you left here over an hour ago to go and put petrol in the car, it must be a pretty big tank to take sooo long to fill!" was his answer. (haha Kristian- he hadn´t heard the part about a trip to grab some food!) 

Well his call made me smile - at least he missed me - a least little bit!! (I mean he waited an hour and a half  before ringing to find out where I was!!)

I felt so content driving home. I had had a wonderful 1½ hours alone - just me, my food and a book! What a wonderful combination! Ah life is good!


Etta said...

Ha Laura, was sounding good until the storm, then it just leapt up to perfect!

Do you not miss turning the pages of a book though? The girl in front of me at church on Sunday was reading from her ipad but I'd a new Bible and felt really sorry for her!

Always lovely to hear what you're all up to even if I don't comment often.

Etta x

Charlene said...

just finished catching up Laura. I just love your ability to make a rainy day sound so exciting! I hate rainy days!!!! Have to agree with Etta about the book though the feel of it and the smell of a new book, nothing better - Lewis uses his ipod to read the bible, must say it's really handy because he has every translation going in his pocket at all times.
Happy belated birthday to Andrew.

Laura said...

It was just sooo perfect Etta! I thought I would miss turning the pages etc...but I don´t. I love it, I have books with me everywhere I go! I really want to get a Kindle so I have a bigger screen but until then my phone is great!

OH Charlene I LOVE rainy days - they are just sooo cosy. You need to do cosy things on rainy days - things you love to do:-) I have also got the Bible on my phone - fantastic to just be able to take it out and read:-)

P.S. Great to hear from you both!!