Monday 29 August 2011

So tired

I am soooo tired today. I didn´t get to bed early last night, and Saturday night we were at the wedding until the wee hours of the morning, so today I could really feel the tiredness. 

My boss arrived back at work today. He`s was off all last week doing something crazy. He biked from Paris to Brest and back to Paris again. That´s 1200km and he biked it in 78 hours. Another teacher at our school did the same thing, he completed it in 63 hours. Crazy or what?!! But they were both back in one piece today. 

Today after work I took my old lady friend to a hospital near Copenhagen for a check up. What a fun afternoon it turned out to be. 

At the hospital there were a few steps going down to the entrance. My old lady friend is in a wheel chair but we didn´t have to worry, there was a manual lift that we could put the wheel chair unto and then manually move it down the steps. Very smart. It went well going down, but after the hospital visit it was another story. 

When we came outside we noticed that the lift was all packed together, we seemed to be the last patients of the day. Well you should have seen me trying to work out how to pack the lift out so we could use it. After about 5 minutes of struggling and pushing different buttons I finally worked it out. (It was acutally really simple!)

The next task was to get the wheel chair up the ramp and unto the lift. What a job that was! I struggled with the wheel chair while my old lady friend sat laughing. This did not make the task any easier as that made me laugh and before we knew it we were having a laughing fit. (I am sure the doctor was sitting inside shaking his head at the two of us!) Finally I got the stupid chair up the ramp, unto the lift and we were ready to go. Slowly the lift went up the steps. 

When we got to the top I realised that I had put the chair on the wrong way and it was impossible to wheel it of without me having to turn the chair around. I didn´t dare turn it as my old lady friend was high up and if I made a wrong move she would have a mighty fall. So down we went with the lift again to the bottom of the steps. More laughter and struggling. Finally I managed to get her chair on the right way and we once again made our way up the steps. 

This whole ordeal took about 15 minutes. Most of it was spent struggling and laughing. What a sight it must have been. (I wish I had of filmed it!) 

By the end of all that struggling and laugher the tiredness had left me - amazing what a good laugh can do for one.

Even so,  tonight I am going to bed early!! 

This Wednesday after work I head to Ireland to visit dad .I have 6 days to clear out his house and pack a load of stuff for the house move. Hopefully he will have the keys to his new place too and we can get some furniture moved.

It´s going to be a busy few days so I need to get all the rest I can now. Unfortunately I will not have to time to visit and see a whole lot of my friends while there, but hopefully I will get back over again in October for some fun!

1 comment:

teri-free2bme said...

Laura~ Don't you feel like you're living in an animated cartoon sometimes? Your wheelchair story made me laugh! Glad you kept your humor through it all. :-)

I'm sorry you're tired. Prayers for good rest and lots of renewed energy!
