Friday 19 October 2012

Miracles can happen...... we experienced a miracle.

Dad woke this morning with a nose bleed. Not good! So he plugged his nose with tissue paper like he always does. He sat on the chair with his head back and waited.

Two hours later and his nose was still dripping blood. The plugs of tissue were soaked in blood in no time. Ummmh I was getting worried, I knew we would need to ring the hospital soon. Dad however really didn´t want to ring the hospital. He knew they would send him to the Royal and he probably would be kept in for a few days. (He has been in hospital so much over the last few months because of nose bleeds.) This was the last thing he wanted.

I got an idea. Dad listens to a man called Andrew Wommack on the God channel and has really been blessed by his teaching. So I suggested we ring his ministry and get them to pray for his nose bleed. That´s what we did. At first we couldn´t get through, all the operators were busy but we could leave our name and number and they would get back to us. 

Within 10 minutes a lovely lady rang us back. She heard what dads problem was and encouraged him and then she prayed the most wonderful prayer of faith. She spoke to his nose bleed and commanded it to stop bleeding in Jesus name.  We said goodbye and hung up the phone. Dad then took the old plug out of his nose, it had been in a while and was soaked in blood. He stuck up a new plug and let it sit a while, he then took it down and there was hardly any blood on it. He stuck a new one up again and let it sit a while again. Next time he took it down nothing was there. A miracle:-) His nose had stopped bleeding. There has been no sign of blood since late morning.

That meant we were able to go and visit Gillian (my sister-in-law) like we had planned. Late afternoon we headed down to see her and the kids.

 Gillian and I got time to chat and catch up.

We had time to sit and relax and see some TV. I am now hooked on Emmerdale! haha

We had a lovely evening with them. Now we are home at dads again and about to head to bed. It´s been a lovely day.

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