Saturday 13 October 2012

The end....

...or is it really only the beginning??!!

Today we finally got finished with our apartment at number 5! It felt so good to be able to turn the key and lock the door knowing the place was empty and clean and that we didn´t need to pack down anymore boxes! 

So now it´s the beginning of our new life in number 27! Time to unpack the last boxes and get organised here. We still have such a peace about moving here. We have never doubted that we were doing the right thing.This place really does feel like home! When I think of home, I think of here and not the old apartment. Now it´s time to fill it with many happy events and memories! Let the memory making begin!

And we did start some memory making today! We had our first "offical" guests (and I totally forgot to take pictres!!! how stupid can one be!!!) Jette and her two children came to brunch this morning. I made the usual bacon, eggs, cocktail sausages etc. It was delicious. Jette only stayed a couple of hours  as she knew we needed to get to our old place to finish off. But the couple of hours we had together was so cosy. It was great to see her and the children again!

The afternoon was spent at the old place finishing off. Then this evening we got a little spontaneous and invited our friend Laura over for dinner. She also happens to be our neighbour, how convenient is that!  However she only saw my text message after she had made her own dinner, but that didn't stop her. She arrived on the door step with her own plate of food, just as we were about to sit down and eat ours. She joined us and we had a really cosy time together. (Arrghhhh - once again I forgot to take photos!)

All in all a productive and good day

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