Friday 14 December 2012

poor dad..... in the hospital again!

 I am back home again in Ireland. I arrived late, really late,  last night - Thursday or maybe I really should say Friday morning!! It was 20 to 1 in the morning when I stepped off the bus at the Europa hotel! For my body the time was 20 to 2 as we are an hour ahead in Denmark, so I was feeling wrecked! 

I got home to dads and it was straight to bed. This morning we were up early and out the door at 8.10am for his hospital appointment.

It was his day for getting platelets. Everything was going well, the platelets arrived early and by 11am we were all finished at the hospital, and we headed home in the rain, to have a cosy day at home. 

At home the heat was turned up, the Christmas tree lights turned on, a Christimas concert was all set to play in the DVD player and a cup of tea and biscuits was at hand. We were all set for our cosy afternoon. 

We got half way through our concert with Andreas Rieu when something went wrong - dad took a nose bleed. It was like someone turned on a tap at his nose. The blood just started to trickle out. We plugged his nose and waited to see if it would stop. It didn´t so in the end we had to ring the hospital.They told us to come staight up again. That´s what we did.

At the hospital dad was given more platelets as well as some medication that should help with the bleeding. By 5pm we were sure the bleeding woulld have stopped and he could go home, but NO! When the plugs were removed the nose was still bleeding! 

A doctor from the Royal´s ENT department arrived to help fix dad up. He got the nose plugged with a special balloon thing but this also meant that dad would have to stay in hospital. He will be in till at least, Sunday. Sunday is when I go home! Anyway at least I am here with him. Another good thing is that he is in the City hopital which is much easier for me to get to than the other hospital. 

Dad was a little disappointed that he was in the hospital this weekend of all weekends. I wish too he was at home, but on the other hand I am so glad to be here.

Like I said, I am only here till Sunday, a quick 2 day visit but it really is better than nothing:-)

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