Tuesday 14 April 2015

I think I´ve found the secret......

.....the secret to exercising!! It´s making an 80´s playlist on Spotify and using the music to get you going. I did this on Monday. I made the play list and then went into the garage to work out. 
I have been collecting old fitness machines from different places, (all free of charge) so I could make a GYM out in the garage. We have a bike, row machine, step machine, different weights and a hula hoop.  We have had all this stuff for about two years and I have never used any of it!! Kristian has threatened to get rid of it many times but I have always convinced him that one day I would get the fitness bug!
That day came on Monday!!! I worked out for 35 minutes on all the stuff and did a bit of dancing and aerobics in between! It was wonderful!!
The 80´s music got me going, it was to blame. I was tired when I got home from work, I was not in the mood to exercise but once I put the music on something magical happened. It made me feel young again!! When Nik Kershaw was singing "I won´t let the sun go down on me" I was suddenly 16 again dancing at my cousin´s birthday party. When Wham sang "Wake me up before you go go" I was 15 again doing an aerobics workout at the GB display. The memories came flooding back and the energy came along with it!!!
So today as soon as I came home from work I went out to the garage and spent another 35 minutes working out. It was fantastic! I felt full of energy - long may it continue!!
And the reason for the work out is to try and get some weight off. I did lose 2kg but I have been so bad over Easter that those 2 kgs are back on again. So it´s a new start (again!! again!! again!!) Let´s see how it goes this time! haha

We had a lovely weekend.

On Friday when I got home from work I got a text message from my hubby. The message said I had to be ready for 6.30pm when he would pick me up and take me on a date. Now a girl doesn´t say no to that kinda offer!! :-)

So true to his word Kristian turned up at 6.30pm. We drove to one of the nearby lakes and went a walk. It was a beautiful evening and we enjoyed walking in the beautiful nature.

 Kristian dreaming of having a boat! Dream on!!!

 After our walk Kristian said we were going out to eat dinner. He had booked a table at the restaurant by the lake.

We had never been to this restaurant before and it did not disappoint. The place was sooo cosy and there was a fantastic view from our table out over the lake. The food was also delicious and because Kristian had booked through a special app that we have on our phone, we got 25% of the bill so the price was good too!

We spent a good part of the evening there chatting and enjoying the surroundings. It was a really lovely evening.
On Saturday Kristian was of to the go-kart track. He wasn´t racing himself but was helping some of the young boys that have started to race. He would be gone all day Saturday. I had been invited down to lunch at his mums along with  Krisitan´s brother Peter, wife and kids and his sister Hanne and her husband Flemming. The weather was fantastic here on Saturday and so after we ate a delicious lunch we sat outside on the balcony and caught up with each others lives. It was a lovely afternoon.
Saturday evening Camilla came to dinner. Andrew, Camilla and I settled down to watch the film "An other woman". Soooo funny. Leah wasn´t home, she was out with Lasse on a date.
It was a lovely weekend - just what was needed before the start of another busy week. 


Lorraine said...

Sounds like a lovely weekend. What great pictures of the lake, it looks like a beautiful place! xx

Laura said...

It was a lovely weekend. You really will have to come and see these lakes for yourself - LIVE and up close!! :-) Every time I hear "I won´t let the song go down on me" I think of you and that record player you had with all the flashing lights on it - good memories! xox love ya xox