Saturday 25 April 2015

Silver envelope 13

Silver envelope 13 was given to me this week. Yes GIVEN TO ME!!! Kristian surprised me with an envelope. Well it wasn´t a literal envelope but on Monday evening he told me he had something special planned for Friday evening and he was thinking that it could be one of our silver envelopes - envelope 13 from him to me.  That was fine by me!!
I was all excited! He wouldn´t tell me a thing about what was happening, just that I had to be ready for 4.30pm on Friday afternoon.
So while waiting on Friday to come around I continued with my healthy eating and excercise program. One evening I decided to give training in the garage a break and I went for a run instead - haha what a laugh that was! I really saw how unfit I was! So I ran a bit and walked a bit. I was running in the forest and it was such a beautiful evening, so I stopped every so often and took a few photos (I was sure glad of those short breaks!)

So far I am doing really well with my eating and exercising. I have lost 3,3kg (I think that´s about ½ a stone?) since starting. Let´s hope it continues!!

So back to our silver envelope! Friday night finally arrived and I was all excited about what Kristian had planned for the evening. I kept getting text messages at work reminding me to be ready for 4.30pm and telling me how much he was looking forward to our night out. It was sooo sweet.

I was ready for 4.30pm. Kristian arrived home on time too and soon we were on the road. I thought we might be heading to Copenhagen but instead Kristian headed the car up North. The whole way I was trying to guess what we were going to do. I wasn´t successful but Kristian did keep saying that it was nothing too big and he hoped I wouldn´t be disappointed.

We arrived at one of the towns right up north and after parking the car and a short walk I found myself in a lovely Italian restaurant with real Italian waiters that only spoke Italian to us. Here Kristian told me that we were meeting some of our really good friends - Henrik and Birthe. I was sooo happy about that. We always have a great time with them. Before long they arrived and we ate the most delicious meal together with lots of chatter and laughter.

No one would tell me what the rest of the plan was for the evening but then Birthe let it slip while eating dinner. She said "Oh I love when we go out for dinner together before a concert!" (we have been to a few concerts together and we always go out to eat first!) The men just shook their heads and rolled their eyes, then she realised what she had said. the cat was out of the bag.  After dinner we were going for a concert!!

So after dinner we walked the short distance to the concert hall. We were going to see a famous band here in Denmark called  "Danser med drenge" (Dancing with Boys). I love their music, many of their songs have good words and deep meaning. It was a fantastic concert and we had a great evening all together.

I was certainly not disappointed in this silver envelope! Mr Rasmussen you can arrange a few more of these - you´re really rather good at it!! 

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