Friday 28 November 2008

Sms in the night...

bleep...bleep....bleep I thought it was my alarm, I reached for my phone and turned it off. It was then I realised that it wasnt my alarm ringing but my phone telling me that I had got an SMS. It was 3.13 am! - who on earth would be SMSing me at that time?

I soon found out, the sms read..." Mummy, are you awake? I have sooo many cramps in my legs and I can´t get any air and I am coughing so much. Sara"

Must confess I was very tempted to sms back. "Yes I am asleep ZZZZzzzzz" I even considered ignoring it, pretend I was asleep - but a mothers love won in the end!

I dragged myself out of my warm bed and stumbled out into the hall, through the livingroom and into Sara´s room where I had a distraught daughter. (Sara is a bit of a Drama queen!) But she was in a bad way. So at 3.13am I started to make her a hot drink to help ease the soreness in her throat, I found an extra duvet, rolled it up and put it at her back, - along with the 3 pillows she already had. Then I spent an hour rubbing her legs to ease the cramps/growing pains that she had in her legs.

Somewhere between 3.13am and 4.20am this morning, my 17 year old independent daughter (who is not very huggie) became a wee girl of 7 who wanted her mummy and was seeking a kiss and a cuddle. It was, in a strange kinda way, rather wonderful!!

When I was finally able to go back to bed I wasnt tired - I was wide away and lying beside me was Kristian snorring his head off. Totally unaware of the strange happenings that had just taken place.

As I lay in bed I considered going into work for 5am (then I could leave work around 11am) but I am such a chicken! The thought of arrriving at a dark, locked up school on my own, and being there for 2 hours before anyone else arrived, made me just pull the duvet covers up over my head and wait patiently for sleep to come.

It did eventually come. Sometime between 4.30am and 5am I fell of into the land of make believe. I was no sooner there till I was back in the land of reality again. This time it was my alarm ringing. The time was 5.40am and I was experiencing a type of dejavue. Once again I dragged myself out of my warm bed and through the house, and eventually, somehow, I ended up at work. (on time!)

Sara slept most of the day today and I am glad to say she is feeling alot better this evening. Warm drinks, sleep, strepsiles and lots of TLC seem to be doing the trick. (and I know something that will do the trick for me and the way I am feeling at the moment. It´s something called BED! I am on my way there in two seconds. Goodnight all!)


Rhoda said...

What a good mummy you are! Isn't it funny how no matter how grown up we are, we want our mummies! Notice she didn't send the text to Daddy!!!!

She must have been quite scared to actually text you.

Hope she is feeling better soon. And hey Laura, you will always remember the night your 'wee girl' texted you in the middle of the night!

lisa said...

Poor Sara, hope she is feeling better soon, its horrible when your kids are sick, you feel so helpless sometimes! As Rhoda said, notice it was you she texted, we all some TLC sometimes, no matter what age we are!

One of the girls in work was saying the other day when she was on her honeymoon she took the migraine from hell and spent 2 days lying on the cool tile floor in the bathroom crying for her mummy!