Wednesday 23 March 2011

We couldn´t wait.....

 Leah has been wanting her room done for a while. I promised her that we would do it at Easter. Last week we went to Ikea and got loads of  ideas. We came home and put pen to paper! We made at least 10 different drawings of the room, we measured and remeasured things Finally we had a room that we liked! We made a list for another trip to Ikea, this time to buy stuff!  

Last weekend we went to the paint shop, Leah picked a pretty purple colour (her favourite colour) and a tester was bought to try it out. It passed the test.  Everything was organised, all we had to do was wait for Easter so we could get started.....BUT we couldn´t wait!!

Yesterday on my way home from work I called by the paint shop and got a bucket of paint.(Leah knew nothing about this!) I decided I would surprise her, I would paint her room while she was at school. So this morning I was up at the crack of dawn, all eager to get started. As soon as Leah was out the door I was in her room getting things moved out for the big paint job. 

 I worked hard all morning. It was so much fun. Just after one o´clock a very surprised Leah walked through the door. She was soooo delighted. Now she wouldn´t have to wait so long for her room to be ready!! I had a VERY happy girl!!

We moved the bed to the opposite side of the room and it fitted perfectly. We tried out the new blanket and pillows, yes they looked good too. Now tomorrow we hope to go to Ikea and get the shelve and desk that she wants. Kristian can put the whole lot together on Friday and then on Saturday we can spend the day organising. Oh I just love decorating!!! I have had so much fun today! 

It was such a beautiful day here. At noon, I took a break from the painting and sat out on the balcony with my sandwiches, just enjoying the sunshine, the warmth and a quick read.  Spring is finally on the way!! 


teri-free2bme said...

Beautiful job on Leah's bedroom! ... the color you chose is very nice and isn't IKEA the greatest!!!

Happy Spring~

Laura said...

Thanks Teri - yes I LOVE Ikea!! Now I´m in the mood to do loads of decorating! Need to wait and save a few more pennies, before going back to Ikea!!