Friday 8 July 2011

Another great day.....

with cake and friends! 

This week is nearly gone and it´s been one great week. Tuesday I was shopping with my old lady, we had a great afternoon out. Then yesterday (Wednesday) I really got stuck into the rest of the house.  Cupboards were totally organised and loads of stuff cleared out. Then on Wednesday evening I went to Ikea with my friend Audry. Great night out! 

To-day I got up and cleaned and organised our bathroom. My reward was a piece of cake and a chat with an "old" friend. We met up in town and had the most delicious cake and a wonderful chat. The time just flew by!! 

 The "old" friend I met today was Rhona! She doesn´t look that old does she?!!
 Rhona led me astray and made me eat the strawberry cake!! Things you do for your friends!!

Then this evening Anne dropped by for a natter. We went a walk and had a very deep discussion about coffee! haha Then it was home to ice cream, fresh cream, vanilla cream and fruit with chocolate sauce. It was delicious.

 The rest of the family wanted in on the feast.

 We stuffed ourselves and enjoyed chatting out in my newly made balcony. (The plants are still alive!!)

Friends are wonderful creatures!! Thanks Audry, Rhona and Anne for helping me make more happy memories: You are all wonderful, special (and I mean special in a good way!)  people:-) I am so glad to have you all in my life! 

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