Thursday 14 July 2011

You would think.....

You would think it was Autumn going by the weather outside. Over the last many weeks we have had really lovely weather, at times a little too warm for my liking but that changed yesterday. It has rained since yesterday and turned colder. I must say I am enjoying it! I love nothing better than a rainy day all tucked up at home.

Well I wasn´t at home too much today. Around 9am Kristian rang me from work. I was in bed reading.  He had forgotten something important and he needed it before lunch, so being the good wife I am, I got up and got ready and then drove to his work with the envelope that he had forgotten. It was only a 20 minute drive there but the rain was wild. It was hard to see out the window. 

After lunch I went over to visit my friend Laura.It´s been absolutely ages since we last were together. Leah came along to visit her daughter Mia. We had a really great afternoon catching up with all that has been happening We had tea and pancakes and to top it off, a laughing fit that had us Lauras in tears! Our girls just watched us and shook their heads!

 Their small kitten had gotten sooo big.

Laura and I are always trying to be improve ourselves!! We are always trying to be more ogranised or eat more healthy or find better ways to exercise, better ways to get more sleep etc and we always have some book or article that we have read to help us with the topic we are trying to become!! So today Laura had a book for me. I am struggling with my weight. I have put on 7 kgs and am just not motivated to get it off...oh I want to get it off but I don´t want to make the changes that I need so it can just melt away. So Laura gave me a book - "Women, food and God"  hopefully this will give me some inspiration to get going. I am really looking forward to reading it.

I finished my first book of the summer holiday reading, "The midwife´s confession" by Diane Chamberlain. I started it yesterday afternoon and finished it this morning. I really enjoyed it, I was so involved with the different characters and the plot of the story. I found it hard to put down. Think I might buy more of her books, pity they take so long to get here.  I really need to get myself that Kindle and SOON! 

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