Sunday 10 July 2011

A new me......

I am a natural girl at heart. I can´t be bothered wearing make-up, I love going around in jeans, sweat shirts and trainers. I am totally NOT into fashion! My girls on the other hand love to experiment with make up, they love fashion, they love using face creams, toners, hand creams, just having the whole works!! I really don´t know where they get it from! 

So tonight Leah was experimenting with different eye shadows on herself. She then wanted to give me a make over....and why not?!!! I could do with a bit of a make over. So I got in the hot seat!! 

At the end of it all I had smokey eyes!

 We sure had fun taking these pictures....

And above you can see my latest project....our front balcony. I forgot to take a before picture, but it was rather boring, there was really nothing there. Now we have a cosy place to sit in the evenings. 

The back balcony has sun on it all day long but the front balcony has no sun so it is a wonderful place to sit on a hot summers day. 

Now my whole house is organised and I am ready for relaxation!

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