Sunday 4 April 2010

Celebration... has been a wonderful morning of celebration! Wonderful music, wonderful songs with powerful words, a great sermon, sharing communion and fellowshiping with each other afterwards over a cup of tea/coffee. The focus through it all being that Jesus is risen and is alive today!

We eneded the service with a beautiful song which I had forgotten about. Its been ages since I have listened to it. The words are fantastic and so, once again (sorry I always seem to post music things!) I have posted it down below. I just wanted to share it cause the words spoke to me sooo much and it blessed me so much.


Stuart and Pauline said...

He is risen indeed Laura. Happy Easter Laura, hope you enjoy and find joy in Jesus dying on the cross and paying the price for us to become His best and special friend (as we explained it to Alice today).

Do you remember singing I'm Special at CSSM? I can never find anyone who has heard of the song and it's a Graham Kendrick song. I love it and it just explains the gospel perfectly for children.

Laura said...

Thanks Pauline - Happy Easter to you too. Sorry I dont remember that song. Did you check youtube to see if its on there?

They did a nice thing in our church this morning. They showed a powerpoint show where they asked the question "what does Jesus resurrection mean to you?" Then they had asked different people old and young that question, they wrote down what they answered, put it on a nice background and had some nice music playing. Then for about 3 minutes it played and we read what people said Jesus resurrection meant to them...the kids answers had their ages beside it, like William age 7. Then it ended asking all of us "What does Jesus resurrection mean to you?" Got a few minutes to think about that. It was really effective.

Charlene said...

Happy Easter girls! As I said to Rhoda Laura lovely words. However, that song is a bit of a joke in our household - it's sort of been sung out - a bit like Make Way in 1986!!!! But yes the words are beautiful - my aunt died of a brain tumour. She had time to plan her funeral and that was one of the hymns at the funeral. That was a few years ago when it wasn't so well known. It just sums everything up - whatever the situation - happy or sad.

Laura said...

Happy Easter to you too Charlene - did you have a good birthday? Any updates on the blog??? I havent heard this song so much but today at church it just spoke to me so much.

lisa said...

Happy Easter girls, Im only catching up now. Had my family here for dinner, theyve just left so laptop out lol!! Im so glad we've all had a lovely meaningful Easter. My church had special services on Good Friday, last night then of course this morning. Good Friday was a communion service, last night was a special service taken by a group of people and it was based around Jesus's words on the cross. There were the different readings from Matthew, Mark, Luke and John, discussions and lots of singing. It was great. Then of course this mornings service, Ive never seen the church so packed, it was standing room only, fantastic.

On a more serious note, Evelyn Martin from Richview had a stroke this morning, so can we all pray for her please. Ive no idea how she is, Aunt Lilian told me just after lunch time so I havent heard anything since then.

Laura said...

oh dear - poor Evelyn, will certainly remember her in prayer - she is such a lovely lady.

My dad has also been in hospital from Friday, nothing serious, got a nose bleed again on Friday morning and went to the city after about 3 hours, when he couldnt get it stopped, they sent him to the Royal so they have kept him in. I think he might get out tomorrow, if when they take the packaging out the bleeding has stopped. He was also in last weekend, with the same thing and he got a blood transfusion, so we think its something he likes to do every weekend - get away and get his food made and a wee nurse to look after him hahaha

Laura said...

Oh by the way, Happy Easter Lisa!!

Charlene said...

Evelyn has had a slight stroke. She was sitting up eating and talking this afternoon. She seems to have numbness and tingling down one side, but hopefully it's been sorted in time.
On a lighter note Pauline I'm special has also been "sung out" in Richview. I'd be happy never to hear it again!! Why do I feel tnhat way about alot of Graham Kendrick songs???? Jesus put this song into our hearts, Make Way, May the fragrance of Jesus GRRRRRRR......

Charlene said...

Forgot to say Evelyn had her stroke on Saturday so progress is good so far.

Stuart and Pauline said...

Glad Evelyn is improving slowly, but steadily.

Laura, sorry to hear your dad is unwell, really hope they can sort out these nose bleeds for him, so they'll stop completely.

Charlene, I have never sang that song apart from CSSM, can't find it anywhere on You Tube at all.
One of my friends at church hates Graham Kendrick songs (not sure why), but when we sing them he stands with his arms folded and I just look round, find him and laugh.

Rhoda said...

Yes Laura, hope your dad is doing better. It would be good to know what is causing these bleeds, they are far too common.

I think some of Graham Kendrick stuff whilst good, is really hard to sing - not really written for congregational singing. Some of course is excellent - but I prefer Stuart Townend stuff, it's much more singable and is so Bible based. I heard him a few weeks ago, and
one of the things that so impressed me about him was this.
He said about wanting to write a song about the Christian hope. So he went and studied the Bible for weeks to see what the Bible had to say about the Christian hope and then wrote his song!

Stuart and Pauline said...

Rhoda, you're right that is very impressive.

lisa said...

Hope your dad's better and gets out soon.