Sunday 25 April 2010

Vincent Van Gogh...

.....I will never be, but it has sure been fun trying!!

I have been away this weekend on a course. A man from our church is a fantastic water colour painter. He held a course in February for a group of us. This weekend he held the follow up course.

I think painting with water colours is sooooo hard compared to acryl but I really want to learn. So you know the old saying - if at once you dont succeed, try, try again!! Well I think I will be trying from now until the day I die!! Even though the pictures didnt turn out so well, I had sooo much fun being there. The people are lovely and we just enjoy being together.

So you want to see what I did....well, I dont think they are that good, so I dont really want to post them, but I suppose one cant do that can one????!!! I mean, I just cant post the good things in life and not the bad, so here goes!!!
The one above was fun to do, it was a special techic that I want to try out some more!
When I came home yesterday I was still in the mood to paint so I tried a few more pictures.....

I think the problem is my tools. I bought cheap paints (typical me! - its the scottish blood in me!!) and cheap paint brushes, so I think I need to get myself a proper set of water paints and brushes. ....but then again another saying comes to mind! A bad workman always blames his tools!! oops:-) hahaha


lisa said...

I do have to admit that theyre not as good as your acrylics but they are still brilliant! Do you know how hard it is to paint waves? You got it in the first one, very good indeed! And you are able to paint so many, you just keep churning them out - how do you do it so quickly?

Stuart and Pauline said...

As you know I can't draw for toffee, so any time I see anything, I am always impressed. I especially like the apple tree. Laura, I think the most important thing is that you enjoy it and clearly you love to paint!!!!

Charlene said...

They're beautiful -just like you!
Glad you had such a good time creating them.

Rhoda said...

Computer screens are very forgiving Laura:-) What I mean is they might not please you, but they still look great to me!

Laura said...

You are all very sweet!

The pictures dont please me, but I did enjoy painting them and like you say Pauline that is the most important thing.

it was actually really funny, me and one of the girls from church spent the whole weekend sighing and then laughing at each others sighing (and our paintings.) We just kept doing everything wrong, then we would start over or else continue with the picture but not really care and so just put strokes here and there, not really caring what we did, cause we just wanted the picture finished. The other thing is that it has to go quick with water paints or they dry and we were so slow - so we had a good laugh at ourselves and each other, but in the best possible way!!