Friday 1 October 2010


For the first time in weeks, I have a weekend with nothing planned! It´s wonderful:-)

Kristian is off tomorrow morning to Sweden for "The Swedish Historic Grand Prix". Leah left this evening for a sleep over at church. Then tomorrow she heads off to spend a night with her cousin Annie. Sara is working all day tomorrow at the go-kart track, so it is just Andrew and me at home. I am planning a very relaxing day. I only have Sunday school to prepare and one English lesson for Monday, after that I can relax! Oh what bliss!!!

Must say that it has been a blissful few days. Yesterday I met up with my friend Rhona. I haven´t seen her in months!! (how can I let soooo much time go by without seeing her???!!!) But she is the sort of friend that you relax with. We always just continue from where we left off, last time we were together.

It was sooooo good to see her, to chat, catch up and to laugh. I have really missed her. When our kids were small we were together nearly every day! Yesterday we went for hot chocolate and it was wonderful - the company I mean, but the chocolate was also rather good!! Must say I was on a bit of a high when I got home. I couldn´t stop smiling. Kristian was laughing at me cause all I kept saying was "Oh it was sooo good to see Rhona again!!"

To-day I had a fantastic day of teaching. I am learning that no two days are the same in the teaching world!! Two weeks ago I came home on a Friday afternoon and sat and cried my eyes out! I was about to give the whole thing up (but a good nights sleep helped me with my drama queen outburst!) Since then I have had 2 fantastic weeks of teaching. I still enjoy it, even though it´s hard. The kids can be impossible one minute and wonderful the next.

Appreciate the work that teachers do with your children!! Back them up - they soooo deserve it!!! I appreciate all the work my colleagues do. I only teach 5 classes a week and I think that´s hard - but compared to my colleagues it´s nothing. So I take my hat off to them (well, I would if I had one on!!)

Ok I´m off to bed to read. Whatever you are doing this weekend enjoy it! Remember to take some time to relax!!


Charlene said...

oh good for you Laura - you deserve it! You are such a laugh crying over some kids - I bet they were mild compared to what we were all like. (Just think back to some of the things we got up on weekends!)

It's good to be with friends. I recently met up with an old friend from 1983ish, she has had a rough time these last few years and ended up moving to Lisburn. It has been brilliant being able to see her every week (we are touring all the local coffee shops) and she hasn't changed a bit in all the years - it's like being back at school.
I too have managed to get to bed before midnight. It was Lewis' birthday today and we got him a netbook and a new mobile phone (the old one was only 2 months old but he sat on it and broke the screen) So I came upstairs, sneaked into his room and nicked his netbook! I'm now going to read my book "Dealing with Dawkins". No school uniforms, no lunches to make and a wee lie in tomorrow! yippppeeeee......

Stuart and Pauline said...

Laura I think it's really funny that you can get something out of "nothing". Hope you're enjoying the blissful quiet!!