Tuesday 12 October 2010

Time out....

....it´s "time out" week at school so I have no teaching this week. The classrooms are all locked and we are all spending time outside the classroom! (and I´m not complaining!)

So far it has been a great week. The day starts with all the children gathering for Assembly. We sing a song, listen to a Bible reading and thought and end with prayer. Then 400 children do a morning warm up dance. Now that´s an amazing sight seeing 400 children stretching and dancing together. (and what energy you get from doing it!)

So yesterday I was together with 3 other teachers and 49 children. Our group were making kites before heading out to the beach to fly them. The weather was gorgeous and everything went according to plan. (I couldn´t believe I was getting paid for a day at the beach!!) We had a great time with the children. It really was time out!!

Then today the children were divided into different groups. They had to visit different workshops around the school. The workshop I was involved in was Zumba. (Zumba is an aerobic workout that uses Latin dance moves mixed with a little hip hop - it´s great fun and a great way to keep fit!) A student at school is fantastic at Zumba, so we had her teach our Zumba class today.

We had three different sessions and I was involved in all three sessions along with my two colleagues. I had to laugh at one of my colleagues. Just twenty minutes into the first session she looked at the clock and sighed,(it was only 9.20am and we were doing Zumba until 1.30pm with just a few short breaks inbetween!) her face said it all! It was going to be a loooong morning for her! hahaha

I must say I really enjoyed it! It was fun but it was hard work too. My legs are absolutely killing me even though I stretched out after each session!! I know, I know, it must be old age! :-(

1 comment:

Charlene said...

Oh yes Laura I can just picture you zumba-ing!!!!!!! The picture of the beach reminded me of Stricklen's Glen outside Bangor, I don't know why. Happy memories though.

You should get Kristian to book you a pamper day next week to aid your recovery. A nice skin treatment and massage would do the trick - although personally I would skip the "beating each other with twigs and branches bit"!!!!!