Sunday 28 December 2008

I have caught a bug....

....I have caught a bug - a painting bug. All I want to do is sit and paint - and since I am off work that is exactly what I have been doing today, or at least for part of the day.

This morning Leah and I went to town to exchange her wick dance mats that I had bought her for Christmas. We got our money back without any problem at all. Then we went around the shops for an hour, to see what we could buy with the money instead. (We didnt find anything.) We weren´t really in the mood for shopping so we just decided to head home.

I then spent this evening painting. It has been so relaxing and soooo much fun. I am not totally satisfied with the result but I really dont want to use anymore time on it. I´m ready to move on to another painting. (I think the problem with big canvases is that it takes sooo much longer to paint and then I get a bit impatient....the smaller ones work better for me!) Anyway I thought I would give you a look at what I did....any ideas how to improve it let me know....on second thougths - dont, cause I really cant be bothered fixing it up! haha


Rhoda said...

You weren't in the mood for shopping???? Mark that day in the calendar!!!
So even shopaholics can reach their limit. LOL

Stuart and Pauline said...

Laura I think they're great. My mum commented that although you hadn't been painting that long, you are very good indeed. I have to agree.

Laura said...

Thanks pauline - I just really enjoy it and wish I had even more time to pursure it more...take proper lessons instead of trying to read about it on the internet. Would be nice to have teacher to interact with and ask questions and get help when you dont really know how to do something....anyway, one day I might get to a proper painting class.

I know Rhoda can you believe it???? I was also really surprised at myself not wanting to shop. I was not at all in the mood to shop, plus Leah only likes clothes shops and perfume shops, places like BOOTS etc...drives me insane as I am totally not into clothes or make-up or perfume - books and dvd´s and knick knack shops are more me. How on earth did I get two girls who love fashion soooo much????? haha Maybe it´s seeing how messy their mother looks that it drove them to it!! haha

Rhoda said...

Are we the only 3 sad enough to be blogging at the minute! Everyone else must be far too busy!

Laura why don't you look and see if there are any evening classes in painting? There's always time to do the things you really want, and it would probably only be one evening a week? Over here they often day one off Saturday courses - so it's only one day.
Go for it girl - you've got a lot of talent, and since it's something you really enjoy, it would just make it better.
I'm thinking at looking into doing a photography course - I realise I have a fantastic camera, and I've got lazy in just taking it on auto all the time. Many years ago I used to do the whole thing setting the aperture etc - and I would love to get back to taking proper photos.

lisa said...

Hi everyone, hope you are all well. Laura, you should look up classes as you are really good - no nude live models though!!!

Rhoda, take that camera off auto girl! What kind of camera do you have (as we have such similar taste in everything else, wouldnt it be funny if we had similar cameras too). I have a Nikon D80, use Nikon as they are sooo much easier than Canon (who confuse everything by calling the features different names on the camera - eg shutter speed is time speed). Bet you have a Canon now after me saying that!! I also use Nikon as thats what Ronnie uses so I can borrow his lenses, flashes etc.

Laura said...

hi lisa good to hear from u. I was also starting to think that Rhoda, Pauline and I were the only ones blogging - everyone else had a life! haha
Miss you all when you dont blog. I just love that we are in contact with each other hurry up and start blogging anyone who is reading this and hasnt updated their blog in a while....I need something to read!!!

Rhoda said...

Yes Lisa I have a Canon!!!! Eos 400D, but maybe they have changed the names again, as shutter speed is shutter speed:-)

I had a manual Canon SLR and loved it, and then had loads of vouchers for Jessops, and they had a great offer on the digital Canon SLR so I went for it again.

When I was a teenager I took proper photographs, but just got out of the way of it. But it's been getting the apple and then getting aperture that has put me back in the motion. So maybe just as I have got back into baking, I'll get back into photographs!

But yes Lisa it's good to have you back:-) hope you had a nice Christmas

Rhoda said...

Oops - I mean notion!!! Maybe I'm not really better, and my brain is scrambled!!!! Or maybe it's just trying to watch a film, talk and blog all at the one time!!!!!!!!!! Or then again maybe it's just senior moments!