Wednesday 3 March 2010

Anyone get tired and weary??

...cause I know I do from time to time! I get tired and weary of snow, of cleaning, of driving kids here and there, of living in Denmark, of hearing about motorsport, of trying to make one pay check last till the next one comes along, and I can even get tired and weary of the same old familiar routine, day in and day out.

There are so many things that can make us tired, weary, fed up, and restless. But we dont need to stay in that state of mind. There is a way out. The answer is found in Isaiah 40, 28-31 "They that wait upon the Lord shall renew their strength"

All week at work, I have been listening to a song about this and it just spoke to me so much. I thought I would share it, just in case one of you out there in cyber world is feeling tired and dont have to, you can do something about how you feel. You too can rise on wings like eagles....and thats the name of the song "LIKE EAGLES." Have a listen to it......


Anonymous said...

Yesterday I was just so BAD!!!!!
I was in Allerød doing some shopping and suddenly I was so tired and my body needed sugar :(
I bought a big bag of sweet liquorice and I gulp down the whole bag ;)
Ha ha ha !!! I enjoid it so much:)
In the evening I made roast pork with crackling, fat sauce and I JUST LOVED IT ;) and oh I nearly forgot, I also swallowed a cake.
And today I am going to a restaurant with LAURA and some other girls and I will eat untill my stomach explode hahahahahihiiiii
My weight are still 65 kg in the morning ;)
Tomorrow I will be a good girl again, because I want to be able to see my feet again ;)
And that was the results from ANNE ;)

Laura said...

hahaha Anne you were in Allerød and I was in Hillerød hahaha

I am soooo looking forward to going out this evening and stuffing my face:-) My weight is 67kg spot I have lost 1kg since I started this but I was hoping to be further down...tomorrow I will be good again, that is until we watch Xfactor and then I probably will be bad!!! Feel like making banana splits tomorrow evening with lots of cream!!! NOT GOOD!! Ok got to go and see what I can fit - I dont think I have any trousers that I can fit, only my work ones and they are old, drab and dirty.....oh dear:-( NOT GOOD again

lisa said...

Hahaha what are you two like??? Enjoy your meal out, wish I was there too, for the food as well as the friendship!

Ive been quite good but I dont feel any lighter, my clothes are still tight so a bit dejected. Hopefully it will be noticed in my cholesterol level though.

Charlene said...

Thanks for the post Laura, much needed, much appreciated!

Rhoda said...

Anne that was just sooooo funny:-)A good honest woman!

Laura said...

Your welcome Charlene - hope ur soaring like an eagle now!! :-)

Charlene said...

Not quite Laura, still tired and weary!