Wednesday 31 March 2010

Double blessings....

.....yes, it was a double blessing of Ikea that I got today!!!

Even though I had arranged with my friend Audry to go to Ikea this evening, when I woke this morning I just couldnt wait. So off I went, by myself, to look for a new rug. The rug I wanted was sold out and they weren´t getting any more in I had to find something else that I liked. I finally did. I looked for curtains but didnt find any that I liked so I came home and washed the curtains I had.

The afternoon was spent cleaning the living room, putting down the rug and changing some of the lightshades. I had bought some new shades at Ikea and wanted to see what they looked like. I liked them but no-one else in the family did, so I took them back this evening when Audry and I went for our girls night out. We had a great evening in Ikea and ended the evening at Mcdonalds where we talked and talked. Finally got home at 11pm!!

So tomorrow the plan is to go and get a few new (cheap) lamps - get my desk buildt and then organise my books and DVD´s etc. I am having a blast!!! Photos will follow soon:-)


Karen Templeton said...


Your photos look great. The changes actually make your place look bigger.

I'm a lot like you and enjoy getting a bargain haha.

Hope you enjoy your time off work...happy spring cleaning!

Karen xx

lisa said...

I feel like Im right there with you, your excitement is catching! We went to Ikea today as well, got new placemats, a few scented candles (you cant go to Ikea and not buy scented candles) and a load of photo frames. Im going to make a bit of a collage with old photos, Connor as a baby, mum and dads wedding etc. So while Im on this Ronnies scanning the old photos onto his computer so they can be photoshopped a bit to freshen them up and then printed the exact size for the frames. I'll post a photo of the photos!