Sunday 21 March 2010

Miracles do happen....

...tonight I was doing a bit of reading about healing. Not an easy subject and I dont even pretend to understand it...but I am being challenged in my way of thinking. Anyway the reason I am posting this here is not to offend or start a big theological discussion on healing!! :-)

Its just because I have been so blessed through this testimony. I watched this healing testimony this evening and even though I have seen this before, it touched my heart all over again. I just wanted to share it. So for those of you who are interested and have the time, take a look. I hope it blesses you too, and if it does lead into a big theological discussion - so be it!!! hahaha I have got my headache tablets ready!!! hahaha

(Sorry about the quality - had to shrink it so it could be uploaded)


lisa said...

I nearly fell through the floor, I read 'miracles do happen' & I thought you had got the house!!!

Laura said...

hahaha well I must remember that title when I get the green light from the bank!!! hahaha

No havent been to the bank yet...Kristian has been on a course with work, so we have emailed them, probably hear from them tomorrow about when they can fit us in for a meeting!

I hope I do get my miracle!!! but if I dont I am actually really at peace about it all:-) I will keep you posted!

Charlene said...

Wow, amazing what prayer can do - how powerful a few words can be when backed up by God. Strange that the prayer meetings in our churches are usually the most badly attended - now why is that?
When you see what some people have to endure it makes you count your blessings. We're told if we only have faith like a mustard seed, maybe we misplace it from time to time because it's so small. Tell you what Laura I'm away to look for mine!

Anonymous said...

I really believe in miracles. But why is it much easier to believe that it happens too other people than too your self :)
thoughts from Anne

lisa said...

When I wrote that comment last night I hadnt watched the video, now my comment seems so inappropriate, sorry! Ive only watched half the video now as I need to get ready for St John but I will watch the rest later on tonight. But what Ive seen so far is amazing, what a gorgeous little girl . I think we are born worriers and to say 'Lord, its in Your hands, your will be done' and not worry anymore takes great strength of faith, and this her parents have.

Laura said...

Welcome back anne - nice to hear from you again - and you know one miracle has happened in your life - you met ME!!! hahahahaha

No worries about the comment Lisa - I laughed so much and realised after reading your comment that the title could have been misunderstood.

It really is WOW charlene isnt it. They just take God at his word - I could learn alot from that:-)

Anonymous said...

I know that it´s a wonderfull miracle
that I met you Laura ;) God has been so good too me ;0) He send me a person who looks like me in so many ways. I just can´t stop loving us ;)
Ha ha ha
Of course MIRACLES happens
Love from Anne :)))))))))

Charlene said...

So true Anne we believe miracles happen but I suppose if we haven't experienced it ourselves it is hard to believe. So I'm going to try harder to believe - I could do with a miracle!