Sunday 6 February 2011

A challenge....

Anyone up for a challenge??

In church this morning we were hearing about the importance of God`s word. The sermon was from John 15 and the speaker brought out many great and challenging points. It was great to be reminded of the importance of knowing God´s word, and spending time in His word.

I then came home and checked out the blogs. While checking out Etta´s blog I went in to have a nosey at some of her friends` blogs. One caught my eye. Her friend Teri´s blog. I enjoyed getting to know Teri a little as I quickly read through her different posts. One thing that Teri is involved in got me really excited. She is part of a group of ladies that memorize two scriptures a month. She picks a verse to memorize from 1st-15th of the month and a new one from the 15th-30th(31st).

What a great idea, I thought!! - I could do this, 2 scriptures a month = 24 scriptures a year! It was then that I thought of you all. Thought it might be fun to start our european group of ladies who memorize scriptures together. Is anyone else up to this challenge? It´s not to become a burden or a legalistic rule, just a way of helping us get God´s word deep into our hearts.

So the idea is that you pick your own scripture. You decide what scripture you need to learn. A scripture that will help you with the situation that you find yourself in. You write it down on a few pieces of paper and you put the papers places where you find yourself throughout the day.

For example, for me, I will have one in my jeans pocket so I can take it out at work and read it over a few times. One in my coat pocket, one at my desk, one stuck on my fridge, and one stuck on my wall by my bed. Then throughout the day when I find myself at these places, I read the verse. I am going to give it a go:-)

So my verse for the next 14 days is:-

Ephesian 1:17 "I keep asking that the God of our Lord Jesus Christ, the glorious father, may give you the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know Him better!"

I picked this verse because this is my prayer for myself right now, that God may give me the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that I may know Him better!


lisa said...

I'll do it (I think)!! Doing Discipleship Explored at the minute and have homework every day but I can only try!

teri-free2bme said...

Laura~ First I love, love, love, John 15! Our Lord always seems to be placing me in seasons of pruning so He can produce more fruit in my life... He's such a cool Master Gardner, isn't he? ..."apart from Him we can do nothing"!!! Second, God is so awesome how he weaves His will and people's lives together for His purposes; you live all the way across the world, and I feel it such an honor to be sharing our love of God together as sisters in Christ in "blog-land". I peaked over your blog and am excited to start getting to know the Rasmussen Family : ) (am adding myself to be a follower)

Your scripture verse is a good one! I write mine down on a pocket sized spiral bound booklet and carry it in my purse. You're idea of different papers in familiar and frequent places is real good (I'll start doing that too, since the more I seem to write my verses, see them, and say them out loud the better I remember them). I love to turn them into prayer saying them back to God. He has truly answered many a prayer through the power of His word.

May God bless you as you seek to gain "the spirit of wisdom and revelation so that you may know Him better", Laura.

Laura said...

Hi Teri - it´s lovely to meet you:-) I am also looking forward to following your family and life through your blog. You have inspired me soooo much just reading your blog. I just found one with your bucket list!! I love it:-) You inspire me to keep dreaming, now I will have to make my own bucket list:-) I think it is wonderful that we can share things across the miles, especially our faith and love for God. Hey I saw a picture of Beth Moore on your blog or on a link to your I take it you "know" her. I have just started reading one of her books - Believing God, it is really good, so far! Well looking forward to more wee chats:-) take care

Hi Lisa you do what you can sister!!:-) How is Tom, hopefully a bit better today!

teri-free2bme said...

No~ I can't say I personally "know" Beth; I have led and participated in many of her Bible studys with my church, as well as particpate in her blog. I got to meet her in Houston (only 4 hours from where I live) last January (2o1o) for our "Siesta Scripture Memory Team" Celebration and had an awesome teaching up close and personal with her leading the group. Usually at her conferences there is over 10,000 people; last January we celebrated our memory verses with Beth (and her two daughters Melissa and Amanda) with 500 ladies.

The memory verse "challenge" I do on my blog the 1st and the 15th is actually from Beth Moore herself (not my idea)... she started it in 2009 and now again for 2011! You can read about it here (scroll down to the bottom for first posts)

It was so fun getting together and reciting our memory verses with a partner and celebrating the Lord.

Beth Moore in among my favorite Bible teachers.I enjoyed reading "Believing God", I know you will, too.

Sorry for another lengthy comment. Just wanted to let you in on how I "know" Beth Moore. FYI- Beth has real great bite sized teachings on the internet; check it out if you have time!
