Wednesday 16 February 2011

Mother, daughter day....

Today Leah and I had planned a mother and daughter day out. We wanted to go shopping, but to shop you need cash. Well out on our balacony we had the solution to that problem. We had a nice pile of money stored out there in the form of bottles.

In Denmark you get money back on bottles and we had been saving bottles since before Christmas. There was now a nice pile of them to return and get money for. So the first stop was the bottle return machine were we managed to get 140kr (about £15) for our returns - not bad!!

Then it was off to shop till we dropped and drop is what I literally did!!

It was at the start of our trip. We were crossing the road. We were almost across when I tripped. It´s amazing what can go through your mind while you are falling!!

At first I thought I had saved myself and had regained my balance only to realise that I was still stumbling. Then I thought the same again, but once again realised that I was still stumbling! After thinking twice, that I had saved myself I finally realised that I was going to crash to the ground - there was no way out!!! The only thing I was hoping was that I wouldn´t smash my teeth. I fell with a mighty blow unto the pavement. I landed in an X shape. I was soooo stunned. Poor Leah thought I had knocked myself out. We both didn´t know whether to laugh or cry. What a sight it must have been!!haha

I was soooo thankful that my face had been saved. I hadn´t hit my teeth, nose or chin. The only thing was my knees. They were killing me! For about 20 minutes after I fell I could hardly walk, I struggled over to the shopping centre were I could sit down and recover for a while. (It was then Leah and I had a good laugh about the whole thing!)

Thankfully I only scraped the right knee a little, my jeans were good and thick and they saved me, but boy are my knees sore even now!! (especially the right one!)

Anyway once I got over the shock we had a really nice shopping trip. We walked around for a couple of hours. We bought some art stuff and Leah bought herself a book. Once we got the art stuff we both wanted to get home to sit and draw and paint, however we were a little hungry, so we decided we would make a quick stop at McDonalds for a burger.

Well, the quick stop turned into quite a long stop!!

You see the front door in my car is broke and so I have to crawl into the drivers seat from the passengers side. Well my knee was killing me, so when I parked the car I was thinking how on earth I could get out without hurting my knee even more.

I twisted and turned and managed to get out of the car with as little pain as possible. When I was outside standing I breathed a sigh of relief and put my hand on the lock, locked the door and banged it shut.

As soon as I did that I screamed "NOOOOO" - yeah you guessed it!! My keys were still in the ignition. I had been so preoccupied with getting out that I forgot to take the keys with me! Aaarrrggghhhhhhhhhh!!!!

So it was into McDonalds for some food and a phone call to hubby to see if he could get out of work and come rescue us!! Honestly!! So our quick visit to McDonalds turned into a 1½hour stay! Finally our knight in shining armour arrived and rescued us. (Thanks Kristian - u r one in a million!!)

I think tomorrow we will just stay at home!!

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