Friday 22 April 2011

At the foot of the cross

I found this song today. I have never heard it before but I thought the words were lovely.

It´s good to start the day focusing on what Good Friday is all about.

Galatians 3, 13-14 (from the Message) 
Christ redeemed us from that self-defeating, cursed life by absorbing it completely into himself. Do you remember the Scripture that says, "Cursed is everyone who hangs on  a tree?" That is what happened when Jesus was nailed to the Cross: He became a curse and at the same time dissolved the curse. And now, because of that, the air is cleared and we can see that Abraham´s blessing is present and available for non-Jews too. We are ALL able to receive God´s life, his Spirit in and with us by believing, just the way Abraham recieved it.

Isn´t that wonderful!! 

This afternoon we went down to visit Kristian´s mum and dad. It was his dad´s 82nd birthday and the family were gathered together for a small celebration.

The weather, once again, was fantastic.

We had a lovely few hours there with the rest of the family. It was nice to catch up with everyone. We really enjoyed the afternoon Granny Rasmussen´s cake was not bad either!! 


lisa said...

Happy birthday Granny Rasmussen!!

We had that song played on the screen at the communion service last night!

Laura said...

isn´t it just a lovely piece...I really enjoy listening to it.:-) Hope your service went well.