Friday 8 April 2011

Meet Dasher......

My new Chevrolet Spark, which I have named Dasher, as he will be dashing me here and there, all over the place:-)

I am sooooo happy for my new car. It it amazing how quiet it is, you can actually talk in it without having to shout to be heard! haha

 I picked the car up on Tuesday afternoon after work. On Wednesday Jeffrey and I went out driving.  It is really well equipped for the price I paid and I feel like a queen driving around in it! haha

So far it is still clean and tidy!! haha (Long may it last) It´s actually a wee designer registration number begins with DG (Dolce and Gabbana! so I think I need to get myself  a complete make over and get some other type of clothing that will match the registration number, instead of my supermarket jeans and sweatshirts!!haha)

Jeff has now gone home. We (Dasher and I) took him into the airport yesterday (Thursday) afternoon. It was so great to have him here and I think he, once again, enjoyed his stay. We sure enjoyed having him.

On Wednesday evening I could feel a cold coming on. I went to work on Thursday but my head was sore all day and as the day progressed,  I started to feel worse. After leaving Jeff at the airport I went to the hairdressers and just about made it through. When I got home I discovered that I had a fever. I cancelled work today and went to bed.  

I woke this morning at 6am and could not open my eyes, or lift my head. The pain and pressure in both eyes and head was terrible. I rolled over and pulled a pillow over my head and fell quickly back to sleep. I finally woke again, to my surprise,  at 12.50pm!  I had not heard Kristian or the kids get up, I was dead to the world. Thankfully now I feel soooo much better. I still have the cold but at least the pain has gone.

1 comment:

teri-free2bme said...

Nice ride, gal pal! ...and your name, Dasher, is fitting. You mention your new car as an "it"- is "it" a he or she? Silly question, I know!

Hope you feel better; get lots of rest, Laura. Health and blessings prayed for you~