Sunday 24 April 2011

Happy Easter!

We have had a wonderful Easter Sunday. The day started with church. It was a really lovely service of praise and celebration. One thing that really spoke to me was a drama piece the young people did. It just brought across how much God loves us and wants fellowship with us.  

I was reading a verse in Romans this evening that I thought summed up Easter  rather well for me. It´s from the Message version of the Bible and it says " Out of sheer generosity he put us in right standing with himself. A pure gift! He got us out of the mess we´re in and restored us to where he always wanted us to be. And he did it by means of Jesus Christ"  Amen to that!!

So after church we headed home, packed a picnic and then headed  to Copenhagen to visit Tivoli. The weather was fantastic again. It was Gospel weekend in Tivoli so even though Leah´s choir was first performing at 6.30pm, there were plenty of other choirs to listen too.

We listened to loads of gospel and wandered through Tivoli looking at different things.

 We bumped into Leah and her friend a few times. They were running around trying different rides before their performance. We also bumped into some people from our church and had a good long chat with them. We ate our picnic, enjoyed the sun and just had a really relaxing afternoon.

Finally it was Leah´s choir that was on stage and they did a great job!

I love gospel music! The songs have such powerful words and just sitting listening to the words of those songs did my soul good. 

When Leah´s choir was finished we headed down to one of the other scenes to hear Copenhagen Gospel choir - an adult choir that was singing. They were led by one of our X-factor stars - Laura. They were brilliant and had the whole of Tivoli clapping and swaying to the music. 

At 8pm a gospel workshop was starting. We REALLY wanted to stay BUT, we had forgotten our jumpers and coats at home and it was starting to get cold. (The sun was setting!) I had only a light denim jacket with me and I was freezing. Kristian had no jacket and Leah had only a wee cardigan, so we were forced to leave and head for home. 

Once at home we changed into our PJs and made hot chocolate! That did the trick - warmth came back into our cold bones. 

It sure has been another great day. Now there is only one day of the holiday left:-( Better make the most of it:-)
(In the video below you can hear leah sing her solo verse)

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