Friday 4 December 2009

21 days to go!!

So what carol did that line "Light and life to all he brings" come from??? Well Lisa you got it right, it was from Hark the herald angels sing!! Well done:-)

Now for todays - what is the song in the video below?

The weekend is here, and that always brings a smile to my face!! But just in case you need a little help getting a smile on your lips, here are some silly jokes below. They at least made me smile:-)

- Who is never hungry at Christmas? (The Turkey, he is always stuffed!!) hahahaha

- Whats the best thing to put into a Christmas cake? ( Your teeth!!) hahaha

- What Christmas carol is a favourite of parents? (Silent night!) hahaha

- What did Dracula say at the Christmas party ? (Fancy a bite?) hahahaha

- What kind of candle burns longer, a red candle or a green candle? (Neither - a candle always burns shorter)

- How do you make an irish man laugh on boxing day? (Tell him a joke on Christmas Eve!) haha

The Bible tells us that a merry heart doeth good like a medicine - I so believe that, so go on, do something fun this weekend - laugh and enjoy life.


lisa said...

Agghhhh - Ive no idea! Its driving me crazy! Tell me now!

Rhoda said...

Ha ha I've beat you Lisa:-)

"My grown up Christmas list"

Lovely song:-)

Laura I can just hear you telling those jokes!!!!! Gave me a smile anyway - or was that a groan

Rhoda said...

And BTW both your dad and I got it right too, we just weren't as quick to your blog as little Miss lightening fingers:-) (Who probably has an alert comes up on her phone that you've put on a new post . . . the things some people will do to win a prizeless competition!!!!!)

Laura said...

hahahaha I know you and dad did also guess it, just not as quick as lightening fingers! - yeah Lisa probably does have a notice thing that pops up on her iphone and says I have a new post!! hahaha

I loved the joke about the turkey - acutally laughed out loud. Andrew just didnt get the joke about the irish man - I told him to give it a few days, he still didnt get it DUH!! hahahaha

lisa said...

Very funny girls - no I dont have any alerts on my phone, I dont use the internet on my phone! Its because Im in plaster Im not able to do much around the house and am on the computer a lot more than usual! If we have chat night tonight you will have to bear with me as I can only type with one hand so its all one finger typing! I laughed that you called my 'lightning fingers', Im anything but at the moment lol