PHEW!!! It has been a busy few days!
Thursday we were at a 100 year birthday party! My mother in law turned 76, my nephew turned 14 and my niece will be 10 in a few days. 76+14+10=100 hence we were at a 100 year birthday party. The whole family were gathered together and it was just a great afternoon and evening.
There was a new member in the family. My nephew`s girlfriend got herself a wee dog. It was the centre of attention.
We were many who got to hold wee Buddy.
Kristian missed some of the party as he had to work but he came by after work. He then had to leave earlier than us as he had his yearly date with the boys in the forest. (Every year a group of about 5 or 6 fellas go out to the forest no matter what the weather and make a fire. They sit there for hours discussing all sorts of topics, sharing food and drinks and they just have a really cosy time!)
Friday our friends Jette and Philip came by with their two children. They are just sooo cute (the kids that is). I love having them over. We had a cosy evening with them.
Saturday, 31 December 2011
Wednesday, 28 December 2011
Double booking....
Yesterday afternoon I talked to my friend Laura. We haven´t seen each other in a while and Leah wanted to see if her daughter Mia wanted to come and visit. We made a date for today - Wednesday. Laura would come by with Mia, she would stay for a cup of coffee and then Mia would stay on for dinner and a sleepover.
Yesterday afternoon Kristian was in town when his cousin Jacob rang. Jacob, his wife and wee daughter live far away from us but they were over visiting family for Christmas. They wanted to know if they could come by Wednesday afternoon for a cup of coffee. Kristian told them to come.
Last night I mentioned to Kristian that Laura would be coming by for coffee on Wednesday afternoon. "Oh" said Kristian "Jacob and Louisa are also coming by Wednesday afternoon for coffee." It was then we found out we had made a double booking and we had a good chuckle about it all. The way we look at it, the more the merrier so we didn´t bother ringing to cancel any of the arrangements.
So this afternoon the house was full of friends and it was soooo lovely. We had a really enjoyable afternoon with all of them and the time went by too fast. It was especially lovely seeing Jacob and Lousia´s little girl. She has just turned one. I like having a wee one in the house again!!
Sunday, 25 December 2011
Merry Christmas 2011
A Merry Christmas from all of us in Denmark!
We played games, sang carols, watched a little TV, sang more carols this time walking around the Christmas tree before we finally exchanged our gifts. It was a really great evening.
We arrived home a little after midnight. The kids headed off to bed and Kristian and I got ready to play Santa. We put out the presents. Sara´s and Leah´s presents are put on the chair and Andrew´s presents on the sofa. Since we don´t pack in their gifts we cover them with a blanket so that if anyone has to go to the loo during the night they don´t see the presents.
At 8.30am Sara started to text us about getting up!! By 9am she couldn´t wait any longer! She was like a wee kid, she rang Kristian, Leah, Andrew and me to wake us and she didn´t give up until we were all finally awake!!
The kids finally got to pull off the blankets and see what surprises lay beneath.
They were not disappointed. I think they have had a good Christmas.
After all the presents were opened the house got cleared up yet AGAIN!!! Then I spent my time like nearly every other woman celebrating Christmas today - in the kitchen making food. I managed to get everything ready at the same time - now that was a miracle! We, once again, ate too much, but enjoyed every mouthful!! Finally after we cleared up it was the time that I look forward to every Christmas, the afternoon, a time to do absolutely nothing, a time to relax or do something that one enjoys!
I spent the afternoon on the sofa. I was meant to see a film but ended up fast asleep! It was lovely!
Maybe this evening I will get to see my film!
Shadow spent the afternoon lazying around on her Christmas box. She needed a new stratching post, the old one was stratched to pieces. She seems very happy with our choice!
It´s great to have a few days ahead of us just to relax! I hope you all enjoy the rest of the Christmas season. Merry Christmas everyone !!
(Memories from Christmas Eve.....)
Leah and her Aunt Signe sing a Christmas song. Kristian´s little brother Peter helps out every so often:-)
Friday, 23 December 2011
Too late....
Well if I have forgotten to buy anything for Christmas, it´s too late now!! All the shops are closed until Tuesday!
Today has been good, I´ve achieved alot! Now I am finally ready for Christmas. I really didn´t think I´d get everything done in time, but I did. I suppose that it is what I think every year and yet somehow I always manage to get ready in time.
We got the Christmas tree up this afternoon and the house is looking nice and cosy. Everyone is being cosy. The girls are together in Leah´s room having a beauty session. Andrew is playing a game over the internet with his friends and Kristian and I have just watched Die Hard. I think my blood pressure is up! Talk about excitment!!! My wee heart has had all the excitement it can take for one evening so I am going to head off to bed so I have energy for tomorrow, which hopefully, will be filled with excitement of another kind!
Today has been good, I´ve achieved alot! Now I am finally ready for Christmas. I really didn´t think I´d get everything done in time, but I did. I suppose that it is what I think every year and yet somehow I always manage to get ready in time.
We got the Christmas tree up this afternoon and the house is looking nice and cosy. Everyone is being cosy. The girls are together in Leah´s room having a beauty session. Andrew is playing a game over the internet with his friends and Kristian and I have just watched Die Hard. I think my blood pressure is up! Talk about excitment!!! My wee heart has had all the excitement it can take for one evening so I am going to head off to bed so I have energy for tomorrow, which hopefully, will be filled with excitement of another kind!
Wednesday, 21 December 2011
Making Memories....
I have just spent the last 4 days in Ireland making memories. I had a brilliant time but it was, once again, just too short. I got to spend loads of time with dad, got to see some friends, got to go Christmas shopping and got to visit family. Amazing what you can do in such a short time!!
Now I am back in Denmark again after a long day of travelling. I am just about to head to bed! Everything went smoothly on the journey home, I was a bit worried I would have to pay for extra baggage but luckily my bag was just under the 20kg!! PHEW!!!!
The video below shows some of the memories.....
Dad was Joseph in a play at his church on Sunday evening. He sang a solo - I think he did a great job! Proud of you dad!! You have an amazing voice - now why didn´t I get some of my Dad´s singing talent! I would gladly give up my good looks for that!! hahahaha
Want to hear him sing - well click below:-)
Saturday, 17 December 2011
Wednesday, 14 December 2011
A quick update....
I honestly don´t know where this week is going!! Every day has been packed filled with things to do and I have been on the go from from early morning to late at night. I can see that I am achieving alot - the list is getting smaller and smaller so that´s a good thing!
This week we got our Chrismas tree up in work. The school has a couple of Christmas trees in the corridors but we always like one out in the area where we sit and have our breaks. Unfortunately there isn´t room for a tree but where there is a will there is a way........
Yes the tree got hung from the ceiling! Cool eh?
My boss and colleague had to get up on the table to decorate the tree!
Ahhh the boys did a great job!
Last week my friend Rhona had a birthday but we both were so busy that we didn´t have time to celebrate together. We made up for it this week. We met up Monday afternoon and the celebrating began!
We had a lovely afternoon, even though we both were tired. We had the most delicious desserts! Ate far too much as usual.
Getting ready for Christmas is hard work, although my husband doesn´t seem to think so!! I wonder why??? I am so tired! I have been going to bed far too late and getting up far too early. I have only tomorrow and Friday at work and then it´s holiday. Thank goodness I can finally get to sleep long!
Today I remembered to get to the butcher and order the ham for our Christmas dinner! Now that I am looking forward to!!
The house is also nearly all organised. Just got the hall cupboard to clear out, our office (or really it´s Kristian´s racing room) to clear out and then our wardrobe to sort and that´s the whole house cleared out in every room! Phew!!
It has been another long but good day. Now I am going to head off to bed! Night all talk again soon xox
Friday, 9 December 2011
Just a little too busy.... days are flying by. I think I am a little too busy! But thankfully I am not stressed, just busy, so I suppose that is ok!!
This week, just like all the other weeks, has flown by. Wednesday I was out visiting my friend Genny. We haven´t seen each other in about 8 months so there was lots of catching up to do.
Thursday Leah´s choir held their Christmas concert. Leah was singing and Kristian was playing the sax so I had to go along and support them both. It was a great evening! Loads of gospel and loads of rocking in our seats! I just couldn´t sit still!! haha My hands were sooo sore by the end of the evening from all the clapping.
Now it´s weekend and we have a busy weekend ahead, but it should be fun! Tomorrow Kristian and I are going Christmas shopping. Hopefully we will get everything bought then! I also have a quick trip to the hairdressers so I will be a new improved woman tomorrow! Then it´s home to sort out some more cupboards in this house, attack the big pile of laundry and then clean from top to bottom!
On Sunday I have Sunday School so sometime tomorrow evening I will be preparing my lesson. On Sunday Kristian has a big concert to play at, yet again with a gospel choir, so he will be away most of the day.
I have only this week left at work! 5 working days then it´s holiday! Next Friday evening we are holding our Christmas dinner and so since I am in the committee that is arranging it I have a lot of last minute things to take care off. I know this week is just going to fly by!!
This week, just like all the other weeks, has flown by. Wednesday I was out visiting my friend Genny. We haven´t seen each other in about 8 months so there was lots of catching up to do.
Thursday Leah´s choir held their Christmas concert. Leah was singing and Kristian was playing the sax so I had to go along and support them both. It was a great evening! Loads of gospel and loads of rocking in our seats! I just couldn´t sit still!! haha My hands were sooo sore by the end of the evening from all the clapping.
Now it´s weekend and we have a busy weekend ahead, but it should be fun! Tomorrow Kristian and I are going Christmas shopping. Hopefully we will get everything bought then! I also have a quick trip to the hairdressers so I will be a new improved woman tomorrow! Then it´s home to sort out some more cupboards in this house, attack the big pile of laundry and then clean from top to bottom!
On Sunday I have Sunday School so sometime tomorrow evening I will be preparing my lesson. On Sunday Kristian has a big concert to play at, yet again with a gospel choir, so he will be away most of the day.
I have only this week left at work! 5 working days then it´s holiday! Next Friday evening we are holding our Christmas dinner and so since I am in the committee that is arranging it I have a lot of last minute things to take care off. I know this week is just going to fly by!!
Tuesday, 6 December 2011
The 6th December - ALREADY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
HELP!!! this month is just going by too fast!
I have only 8 more working days left and then I am off for Christmas holiday. It can´t come quickly enough. I am soooo looking forward to being off.
I am just in a Christmas mood 24 hours a day (I am driving Kristian bananas!!) Even though I LOVE being in a Christmas mood it makes it really hard to work, all I want to do is get ready for Christmas. I especially want to get my house ready. It needs the normal holiday season clear out! We hoard so much! Everything is falling out of the cupboards yet again! Anyway enough about that.
So my weekend went by so fast. Friday evening we were down at our old church for a get together. It was wonderful seeing old friends again. Everyone brought something for the buffet table and we had a great evening catching up with each other.
Saturday found me out Christmas shopping with my friend Audry. It was our traditional Christmas shopping day. We usually take a day off work and go out shopping but since I had no holidays left we didn´t have much choice, we had to make it a Saturday, and so it was just this last Saturday that we continued our tradition for the 5th year in a row! We had a great day!
We left home at 9.30am and drove to a big shopping centre in Copenhagen. We were there for the shops opening at 10am! We left at 5pm when the shops closed! (They literally had to throw us out! haha) The day just flew by! Even though we had been walking around for all day we decided that we would stop by Ikea on the way home. It was open until 8pm. Audry and I LOVE Ikea so we decided to make the most of our day!
There was only one slight problem, I was driving and I am hopeless at finding my way!! How would I get to Ikea from the shopping centre, when I had forgotten my GPS??! I had driven before to Ikea from this direction, but that had been a very long time ago in the brightness of day. Could I remember the way? Well the answer to that is easy - NO I COULDN`T!!
I made my first mistake just driving out of the shopping centre. Suddenly I was lost!! We found ourselves in a housing estate which had not been there when we drove into the shopping centre. How did I get there? We turned around and found the right road.
Then we started our journey to Ikea. It seemed like things were going well, but before I knew it I was in the middle of this town north of Ikea!!!!?? How did that happen? We turned around and headed to a place called Buddinge. We couldn´t remember ever seeing that name near Ikea, so once again we turned around.
We then saw a sign for a place called Virum, now that rang a bell, so we followed that, but yet again we got lost. Once more we turned around but then we saw a motorway sign for a town close to Ikea. We followed the sign unto the motorway and suddenly we were on the road that we take on our way HOME from Ikea! Aaaarggghhhhhhhhh - we didn´t want to go home just yet!
But we couldn´t turn, we were on the motorway so we had to keep going. It seemed like miles and miles went by before we could finally turn off the motorway and get unto the right side. Finally we arrived at IKEA!!! We were soooo happy to see that Ikea sign! Needless to say we had a great laugh about it all!
After Ikea we had a quick trip over to McDonalds for a cheesburger. You can´t go to Ikea without going to McDonalds!! At 9.30pm I was home. It was a great day. I didn´t get much Christmas shopping done, but I sure had a lot of fun.
Sunday - was our day of rest! A well deserved rest after those hours of shopping! haha
I have only 8 more working days left and then I am off for Christmas holiday. It can´t come quickly enough. I am soooo looking forward to being off.
I am just in a Christmas mood 24 hours a day (I am driving Kristian bananas!!) Even though I LOVE being in a Christmas mood it makes it really hard to work, all I want to do is get ready for Christmas. I especially want to get my house ready. It needs the normal holiday season clear out! We hoard so much! Everything is falling out of the cupboards yet again! Anyway enough about that.
So my weekend went by so fast. Friday evening we were down at our old church for a get together. It was wonderful seeing old friends again. Everyone brought something for the buffet table and we had a great evening catching up with each other.
Saturday found me out Christmas shopping with my friend Audry. It was our traditional Christmas shopping day. We usually take a day off work and go out shopping but since I had no holidays left we didn´t have much choice, we had to make it a Saturday, and so it was just this last Saturday that we continued our tradition for the 5th year in a row! We had a great day!
We left home at 9.30am and drove to a big shopping centre in Copenhagen. We were there for the shops opening at 10am! We left at 5pm when the shops closed! (They literally had to throw us out! haha) The day just flew by! Even though we had been walking around for all day we decided that we would stop by Ikea on the way home. It was open until 8pm. Audry and I LOVE Ikea so we decided to make the most of our day!
There was only one slight problem, I was driving and I am hopeless at finding my way!! How would I get to Ikea from the shopping centre, when I had forgotten my GPS??! I had driven before to Ikea from this direction, but that had been a very long time ago in the brightness of day. Could I remember the way? Well the answer to that is easy - NO I COULDN`T!!
I made my first mistake just driving out of the shopping centre. Suddenly I was lost!! We found ourselves in a housing estate which had not been there when we drove into the shopping centre. How did I get there? We turned around and found the right road.
Then we started our journey to Ikea. It seemed like things were going well, but before I knew it I was in the middle of this town north of Ikea!!!!?? How did that happen? We turned around and headed to a place called Buddinge. We couldn´t remember ever seeing that name near Ikea, so once again we turned around.
We then saw a sign for a place called Virum, now that rang a bell, so we followed that, but yet again we got lost. Once more we turned around but then we saw a motorway sign for a town close to Ikea. We followed the sign unto the motorway and suddenly we were on the road that we take on our way HOME from Ikea! Aaaarggghhhhhhhhh - we didn´t want to go home just yet!
But we couldn´t turn, we were on the motorway so we had to keep going. It seemed like miles and miles went by before we could finally turn off the motorway and get unto the right side. Finally we arrived at IKEA!!! We were soooo happy to see that Ikea sign! Needless to say we had a great laugh about it all!
After Ikea we had a quick trip over to McDonalds for a cheesburger. You can´t go to Ikea without going to McDonalds!! At 9.30pm I was home. It was a great day. I didn´t get much Christmas shopping done, but I sure had a lot of fun.
Sunday - was our day of rest! A well deserved rest after those hours of shopping! haha
Thursday, 1 December 2011
Christmas is in the air......
The 1st of December amd that means decorating the house for Christmas. Leah and I got stuck into it this evening and ended up with a cosy wee living room! Now only the Christmas tree to buy nearer the time and the Christmas shopping to get done! Yikes - I haven´t even started!!
Wednesday, 30 November 2011
We´ve been there....
Where? To the bank!!!
Remember the house we were looking at, well we made an appointment to go and talk with the bank to see what we could afford. The bids have to be in next Wednesday and the starting bid for the house was 1.200.000 kr. When I talked to the estate agent, they were hoping for bids around 1.500.00kr.
I was hoping we could afford 1.700.000kr so we could bid 1.400.000kr and then use 300.000kr to fix the house up.
So today the bank told us that we could loan 1.500.000kr. Uummmm, that means we can only bid the starting price because we need 300.000kr to fix the house up so it will not be expensive in heating etc.
They did say that we could borrow more if we did away with one of our cars. Uuummmm.....Do we really want to do away with one of our cars??? NOOOOOOO!!!!
I have biked around this country for years, in the rain, snow,and hail and at temperatures way down in the minus. If we went for this house with just one car we would be really isolated. (correction: I would be really isolated!) It is further out in the country, fine if you have a car to nip into town but not so fine if Kristian is away with the car and I need a carton of milk and have to bike 4km to town and 4km back again in the rain or snow!! And it would be me on the bike, as my work is closer than Kritians and everything I do is local. However biking, taking the trains or buses just take a lot more time and time is precious - VERY PRECIOUS!
So we have made our decision. We are NOT going for the house. We are not willing to give up one car so we can afford a house that will probably just give us more expenses in the long run with all the things that need done. But I am glad we went to the bank and got an idea about what we could afford. The lady who dealt with us was lovely, she gave us such good service.
Kristian was all worried for me when I came out of the bank. He thought I would be sooo disappointed but I wasn´t. I´ll tell you why.......
I had left the whole thing in God´s hands. I told God we would push some door and He would either have to open or close them. He had to show me if this was His best for me. So we pushed a door by making an appointment with the bank. I asked God to lead us and show us what we should do. One night in bed I was asking him if this was really a good idea to buy this house. Was this His will for us? Then a few days after asking him this I read Jeremiah 23,16...."They spake a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the Lord." Uummmmhhhh - interesting I thought, was this house a vision of my own heart and not what God wanted for us. So I asked God for a sign......
I asked Him to show me my special verse from Psalm 37,4 in some way, without me actually going looking for it, either through someone speaking about it at church, or a friend feeling the need to send the verse to me, or me reading the verse somewhere, I just had to have read this verse before we went to the bank on 30th November. I made this "deal" with God last week and told him if I got the verse I would know that he was saying to go ahead with the house. That is was His desire for us and not just a vision of my own heart. Well guess what - the verse never came!!! So I am at peace. I don´t believe God wants us to buy the house. It was a vision of my own heart and I will probably get this vision again in the distant future but you know what I love? Having God there to guide me and help me make decisions! God is soooooo good! I just love Him.
So now I am off to plan Christmas!!!
Remember the house we were looking at, well we made an appointment to go and talk with the bank to see what we could afford. The bids have to be in next Wednesday and the starting bid for the house was 1.200.000 kr. When I talked to the estate agent, they were hoping for bids around 1.500.00kr.
I was hoping we could afford 1.700.000kr so we could bid 1.400.000kr and then use 300.000kr to fix the house up.
So today the bank told us that we could loan 1.500.000kr. Uummmm, that means we can only bid the starting price because we need 300.000kr to fix the house up so it will not be expensive in heating etc.
They did say that we could borrow more if we did away with one of our cars. Uuummmm.....Do we really want to do away with one of our cars??? NOOOOOOO!!!!
I have biked around this country for years, in the rain, snow,and hail and at temperatures way down in the minus. If we went for this house with just one car we would be really isolated. (correction: I would be really isolated!) It is further out in the country, fine if you have a car to nip into town but not so fine if Kristian is away with the car and I need a carton of milk and have to bike 4km to town and 4km back again in the rain or snow!! And it would be me on the bike, as my work is closer than Kritians and everything I do is local. However biking, taking the trains or buses just take a lot more time and time is precious - VERY PRECIOUS!
So we have made our decision. We are NOT going for the house. We are not willing to give up one car so we can afford a house that will probably just give us more expenses in the long run with all the things that need done. But I am glad we went to the bank and got an idea about what we could afford. The lady who dealt with us was lovely, she gave us such good service.
Kristian was all worried for me when I came out of the bank. He thought I would be sooo disappointed but I wasn´t. I´ll tell you why.......
I had left the whole thing in God´s hands. I told God we would push some door and He would either have to open or close them. He had to show me if this was His best for me. So we pushed a door by making an appointment with the bank. I asked God to lead us and show us what we should do. One night in bed I was asking him if this was really a good idea to buy this house. Was this His will for us? Then a few days after asking him this I read Jeremiah 23,16...."They spake a vision of their own heart, not from the mouth of the Lord." Uummmmhhhh - interesting I thought, was this house a vision of my own heart and not what God wanted for us. So I asked God for a sign......
I asked Him to show me my special verse from Psalm 37,4 in some way, without me actually going looking for it, either through someone speaking about it at church, or a friend feeling the need to send the verse to me, or me reading the verse somewhere, I just had to have read this verse before we went to the bank on 30th November. I made this "deal" with God last week and told him if I got the verse I would know that he was saying to go ahead with the house. That is was His desire for us and not just a vision of my own heart. Well guess what - the verse never came!!! So I am at peace. I don´t believe God wants us to buy the house. It was a vision of my own heart and I will probably get this vision again in the distant future but you know what I love? Having God there to guide me and help me make decisions! God is soooooo good! I just love Him.
So now I am off to plan Christmas!!!
Monday, 28 November 2011
Fantastic weekend....
Leah and I were away this weekend. Our church was holding a musical weekend for our Maxi group (9 year old - 12 year old) There were 11 children signed up for the musical. We had also 13 teens helping us. We were three leaders.
We arrived at the church Friday evening at 5pm and not long after the kids were in their groups practicing their songs, dances and lines. Then it was time for dinner. The rest of the evening was spent practicing. I was together with some of the teenage girls who were going to help me paint backgrounds. We had sooo much fun!! Although by Saturday evening we were pretty fed up painting backgrounds. Below is one of the first backgrounds we got finished......
We ended Friday evening with a film and some treats.
Saturday arrived and everyone was busy all day! We got to run through the whole musical twice. At 6pm Saturday evening everything to do with the musical was forgotten, we got on our coats and walked down to the pizzeria. A lovely ½ hours walk, and even though it was raining, no one complained. We had a really cosy time together, ate far too much and then wandered back to the church.
We had time to run through the musical one more time before a load of very tired children were put to bed - sorry we couldn´t say the same about the teenagers!! They were full of life!!
Sunday we preformed for our church. The kids were all excited, the church was packed with mums, dads, grannies and granddads. The kids did a fantastic job - it was a real success.
After church we all had a quick bite to eat together before setting up for our second performance. This time we would have an audience that was full of strangers. We had hired a bus to go and pick up a group of asylum seekers at one of the local accomodation centres.
We wondered how many would turn up. We weren´t disappointed. About 40 children and their parents arrived. The kids were sooo wonderful. They really enjoyed watching the musical and I got so much joy out of watching them laugh.
After the musical we served tea, coffee and cake for the parents and the children all got a bag of sweets. I got to "talk" with so many different people from many different countries. "Talk" is not really the right word as many of them could not speak Danish and they knew only a few words of English so we used sign language. I had some great conversations with them, amazing what you can understand using body language.
At 4pm in the afternoon the bus came and picked them all up again. We got hugs and kisses and loads of thank yous. It was a really special afternoon.
We cleared up and by 5pm I was on my way home. It was blowing a gale! Leah and I got home just in time as an hour later the wind really picked up and the police were warning people not to go out and drive.
Kristian didn´t get to see the musical as his dad was in hospital. He spent the time with him. His dad has heart trouble and needs a pacemaker. He was rushed to hospital at the end of last week and his heart actually stopped on two separate occasions. Glad they got it going again. He has been waiting on a pacemaker for the last few days. Today they were able to operate. It looks like everything has gone well. Hopefully he will be home soon and we can all hold a wonderful Christmas together.
Thursday, 24 November 2011
Klippe Klister dag.....
Klippe/Klister dag???? What am I on about? Well for those of you that don´t understand Danish, you could check out Google translate, or you could just read on.....
Klippe/Klister dag means....Cut/Paste day! It´s the day that the whole school goes a bit mad and decorates for Christmas. There are normal classes until 10am and then the fun starts. We cleaning staff also get in on the fun. Today we made this wonderful decoration! haha - I don´t think I should give up the day job!!
Christmas music was coming from all the classrooms, there was fun and laughter all around and the last thing on my mind was work! I dragged myself through my different tasks. Boy it was hard to work when my brain was just totally in a Christmas, lets have fun, mood!
It´s soon the weekend but I have anything but a relaxing weekend ahead of me! We are having a musical weekend at the church for the kids. Three leaders, 13 teenagers and 11 kids will be together all weekend putting together a Christmas musical that we will show in church on Sunday morning. This is my third time to be involved with this, so I am actually really looking forward to it!
Monday, 21 November 2011
Let the Christmas season begin......
Ok, I know, I know it´s still only November but I just LOVE Christmas so I am itching to get the Christmas season going. Today one of our radio stations started playing Christmas music 24/7, so throughout the day I have been enjoying all the songs that I love at this time of year! It really is starting to feel a lot like Christmas...
Sunday afternoon Sara, Leah and I decided that we would kick the Christmas season off by having a cosy afternoon with Danish "æbleskiver", a type of round doughnut always served the weeks up to Christmas - eating "æbleskiver" is a great way to start the season!
Our weekend has been great. Kristian and I had no plans at all! Friday evening Leah was going home to stay at a friends so the rest of us just lazed about on the sofa watching TV.
Saturday morning Kristian went to collect Leah from her friends while I cleaned the house. When Kristian and Leah arrived home the house was all clean and tidy. We decided that we would use the rest of the day to go out and have some fun. We decided to head into Copenhagen. Sara was working at the go-kart track and Kristian wanted to go in and collect some tools that he had lying in there. Since the go-kart track is in Copenhagen we could combine going in there and then going out to have fun.
So that´s what we did. We arrived at the go-kart track around lunchtime. I had to laugh at my hubbys face, it literally lit up when he arrived out there!! The same with my daughter, they just LOVE that place! It was fun to see Sara out there working.
We hung out at the track for about an hour and then headed into Copenhagen. We decided to head to one of the big shopping centers and spent a wonderful few hours walking around getting ideas for Christmas.
It was then home to a cosy Saturday evening with the kids. We rented a dvd and sat on the sofa eating our dinner and watching our film. Sooo cosy. It has actually been a real family weekend, lots of hanging out together in the living room, talking and watching TV.
Sunday morning we went to church and on the way home we went by the house that we like that´s for sale. There was "open house" again. We went in and had another look around. There were so many people looking around the place again, I really don´t think we have a chance. Hhhmmm, we are still wondering what to do.
Wednesday, 16 November 2011
Dream, dream, dream....
...I love to dream! I love to dream about all sorts of things. I dream about holidays I want to take and things I´d like to accomplish, but one of my favorite dreams is about us owning our own wee house.
All 5 houses were similar just different in sizes. The one we like is 159 m2, that´s 59m2 more than we have in our apartment!
Now they are not the most beautiful houses. Not something I would stop and say WOW about, but I did like them and the starting price is sooo cheap for this area.
A new front door is definitely need!!!
A lot of work is needed done in the garden.
Above and below we have the livingroom...
It´s big and bright. I could see us living here.

So today at work I was flicking through the paper. I NEVER look through the paper but today I did and something caught my eye. Five houses were for sale just 2km from where we live. They are houses that belong to the army but have been empty for a while. Kristian and I have driven by them often and everytime we have commented on them just lying there empty when someone like us could be living there! haha.
The houses are situated in a beautiful nature area and yet only 4km out from the center of town. We LOVE the area, right beside the forest. So when I saw this advert I got really excited. The price was not mentioned so I decided to text Kristian and see what he thought and to see if he could ring the estate agent and find out the price.
(I alway call Kristian my dream breaker as he is always the practical one in this relationhip. He always shows me the flaws in my dreams and boy am I glad he has done that in the past, otherwise we would be in some right messes!! haha)
So I texted my dream breaker to see if he was ready to break another one of my crazy dreams! But to my surprise he wanted to dream this dream with me! Before long he had found out that there was an open house today. We could go and check out all 5 houses after work. He then rang his brother-in-law to see if he could come along and check them out with us as he is a carpenter. I was speechless!! My husband was arranging all this - the content happy man who loves his wee apartment and his practical world was joining me in my dreamworld!
So after work we went to see the house.......(so did a whole load of other people!!)
All 5 houses were similar just different in sizes. The one we like is 159 m2, that´s 59m2 more than we have in our apartment!
Now they are not the most beautiful houses. Not something I would stop and say WOW about, but I did like them and the starting price is sooo cheap for this area.
The ground around the place is huge!! I can see a dog running around that big garden! haha
A lot of work is needed done in the garden.
This is taken from the gate looking up to the house. We will have to make a garden path
The view from the garden gate.
It´s big and bright. I could see us living here.
The kitchen, again not something to make you say WOW, but I can live with it....
The bathroom is ok....

We could see ourselves in this house and the best thing is that it is still in the area where we live!
Now here comes the catch. The bidding price starts at 1.200.000kr ( houses around here usually have a starting price of about 2.300.000kr so this is very cheap!) but the catch is have to put your bid for the house in an envelope and close it, all the bids have to be delivered to the estate agent by 7th Dec at noon. The one who bids the highest wins the right to buy the house.
Yikes!! What can we afford? We now have to go to the bank and see what we can borrow. The house needs some work done on it too.
The thing I am amazed at is my husband. He is sooo into this!! Normally I am the one planning and pushing to get things going but he seems very keen this time! He has talked non stop all evening about it!
So my day turned out very differently than I had expected. I wasn´t expecting to be sitting here this evening wondering what we should bid on a house! But I am a peace. I have given it all over to God. If this house is for us it will take a miracle for us to get it.
I know that we can´t afford to bid much higher than the asking price and by the look of some of the people that were there looking at the houses today,(going by their clothes and cars) money seemed to be no problem for them so I am sure they can bid way higher than us. But God can work a miracle, so I have left it in his hands to work out.
I love having God in my life! It´s great not to have to stress or fret about this sort of thing!
Now I am off to bed to read my book:-)
I´ll keep you posted.
Tuesday, 15 November 2011
A date with a mate.....
Today I had two dates. The first was with my old lady friend. We both went shopping. Thankfully she was feeling up to going out today. We had a lovely afternoon.
I got home at 6pm and a few minutes later Kristian and the rest of the gang arrived. It was straight into the kitchen to make dinner. I had a quick dinner planned so by 6.30pm everything was ready. After dinner I left the kitchen mess for Kristian and the kids to clear up and went and got ready for my date with my mate - Laura H.
We had planned to go to our local cinema to see "The Help". Laura was coming to pick me up at 7pm - the film started at 7.30pm. Now there is something you need to know about our local cinema. There is usually, on a good night, 15 people there, so when Kristian asked us if we had reserved tickets we looked at him like he was a crazy man, shook our heads and laughed saying "Kristian it´s the local cinema, on a Tuesday night in November!!!" and off we went.
Well, what a shock we got!! Driving past the cinema there was a queue right outside the door. We both started to scream! Where did all those people come from? There is NEVER that many people in our local cinema!!! We were in a panic - WE HAD, AFTER ALL, NO RESERVATIONS!!!!
We quickly parked the car and ran over to the cinema and stood for about 20 minutes in the queue before we finally got in. We asked for two tickets. "Do you have a reservation?" the lady asked. You know our answer!! "Oh I don´t think we have any seats available!" You should have seen Laura and I - talk about disappointed, it must have been written all over our faces so the lady decided to check to see what she could find. She found us two seats but they were in the very front row! We didn´t care, we were desperate so we took them.

What a brilliant film!! Totally loved it! Totally me! Totally recommend going to see it! Can you tell that I totally liked it?
While we were out at the cinema Laura´s daughter was here visiting Leah. We thought the film would finish at about 9.30pm but when we got out of the cinema the time was 10.15pm!!! We couldn´t believe where the time had gone. Once again we were screaming and running, this time it was to get home to get the kids off to bed! Once at our house there were no long goodbyes. Laura and Mia were quickly out the door and Leah quickly got ready for bed.
It has been a really great evening! (Thanks Laura!)
Oh yeah something very important to report...When we got out of the cinema this evening we discovered that there was ice on the windscreen - I think that´s the first night frost. Winter is coming:-)
I got home at 6pm and a few minutes later Kristian and the rest of the gang arrived. It was straight into the kitchen to make dinner. I had a quick dinner planned so by 6.30pm everything was ready. After dinner I left the kitchen mess for Kristian and the kids to clear up and went and got ready for my date with my mate - Laura H.
We had planned to go to our local cinema to see "The Help". Laura was coming to pick me up at 7pm - the film started at 7.30pm. Now there is something you need to know about our local cinema. There is usually, on a good night, 15 people there, so when Kristian asked us if we had reserved tickets we looked at him like he was a crazy man, shook our heads and laughed saying "Kristian it´s the local cinema, on a Tuesday night in November!!!" and off we went.
Well, what a shock we got!! Driving past the cinema there was a queue right outside the door. We both started to scream! Where did all those people come from? There is NEVER that many people in our local cinema!!! We were in a panic - WE HAD, AFTER ALL, NO RESERVATIONS!!!!
We quickly parked the car and ran over to the cinema and stood for about 20 minutes in the queue before we finally got in. We asked for two tickets. "Do you have a reservation?" the lady asked. You know our answer!! "Oh I don´t think we have any seats available!" You should have seen Laura and I - talk about disappointed, it must have been written all over our faces so the lady decided to check to see what she could find. She found us two seats but they were in the very front row! We didn´t care, we were desperate so we took them.
What a brilliant film!! Totally loved it! Totally me! Totally recommend going to see it! Can you tell that I totally liked it?
While we were out at the cinema Laura´s daughter was here visiting Leah. We thought the film would finish at about 9.30pm but when we got out of the cinema the time was 10.15pm!!! We couldn´t believe where the time had gone. Once again we were screaming and running, this time it was to get home to get the kids off to bed! Once at our house there were no long goodbyes. Laura and Mia were quickly out the door and Leah quickly got ready for bed.
It has been a really great evening! (Thanks Laura!)
Oh yeah something very important to report...When we got out of the cinema this evening we discovered that there was ice on the windscreen - I think that´s the first night frost. Winter is coming:-)
Sunday, 13 November 2011
One week in one post....
Last week went by sooo quickly.
Monday I worked a few hours extra getting caught up with all the accounts for our fund raising. We are raising money for a new playground. I needed to have all the results for Tuesday morning.
My friend Freddy frog had been helping me keep account of all the money that was raised. Each time the kids raised £500 he got a "flødeboller" (a Danish biscuit that is like a teacake) The aim was to fill the party table with "flødeboller" so we could hold a party! The kids loved it and they nearly filled all the plates!! Amazing!
On Tuesday at assembly, the two children that raised the most money were given gift tokens. The class that raised the most money was given a gift token for a trip to McDonalds followed by a trip to the cinema to see a film of their choice with popcorn provided. Not a bad prize!!
The competition was fierce and it was neck and neck between two 6th grade classes. It was all rather exciting. In the end 6A won with 6B coming a close second. Since it was so close we decided to give 6B class a consolation prize of a trip to the cinema - no McDonalds and no popcorn but they were happy enough with that!
Tuesday afternoon I went to visit my old lady friend. She didn´t feel like going out so I did the shopping alone this time.
Wedneday I had a lovely afternoon with my friend Rhona. We met up after work for our traditional strawberry cake and a chat! It was just so great to be with her again.
We spent a lovely few hours talking, mostly about God. Now if you don´t know God like we know God you might think that would be rather boring - but NO it wasn´t, not in the least! It was fab!!
We have such a great God and Rhona and I were just bumming about that on Wednesday! I was feeling so happy and blessed by the time I was going home. It´s good to remember how good God is, and having someone to talk spiritual things over with is a blessing . God is soooo good! He has blessed me with so many great friends and Rhona is one of them!
Thursday I was busy again at work. This time it was getting ready for the Christmas market.
Friday busy yet again. I worked from 7am till 5.30pm then I went food shopping, our cupboards were bare!! I was finally getting into the house at 7.30pm and we were eating dinner at 8pm!! After that I tumbled into bed totally exhausted but feeling good. I had accomplished a lot and I was looking forward to our Christmas market at school.
Saturday was the Christmas market and it was fantastic. So many people turned up and there was a wonderful atmosphere all over the school. The school looked great too, totally transformed into a big market place selling all sorts of goodies! I have the best workplace in the world! I LOVE it there!
I was on the cake stand (off coure!! I love my cakes!) Thank goodness I didn´t have to bake any of them, I just had to sell them, along with a few others, and sell them we did!! We made about £1400!! isn´t that amazing?! The day went by so quickly. I worked from 9am till 5pm and then it was time to head home. Going home was something that I was looking forward too, not because it had been a busy day but because my hubby would be back home again.
Kristian arrived home Saturday afternoon after a week away. He had been on a course with work and ended it with an exam on Saturday morning. I was sooo happy to see him again. Shortly after I arrived home we decided to head out on a date so we ordered a couple of pizzas for the kids and we headed out to our wee cafe in town. We ate a light dinner and caught up with each other and what had been happening during the week when we hadn´t seen each other or really spoken to each other.
Now it´s Sunday and another week is about to begin. This week is more normal, all the extra things at work are finished so I can concentrate on being a cleaning woman again - something I am really looking forward too!
Tuesday, 8 November 2011
The weekend....
The weekend went by too fast! All day Saturday I spent in my PJs. I did get my house cleaned up and the washing done, although once again the washing basket is full and it´s only Tuesday. Saturday evening was spent watching some Raymond(Everybody loves Raymond series) which gave us a great laugh.
Sunday morning we went to church. I had Sunday School and it went well this time. The kids really listened.
In the afternoon there was a youth meeting for Leah and her friends. This happens the first Sunday in the month when they meet up with another church, so Leah stayed on at church. However before I got to leave church she had roped me into being a taxi driver for them. They were a group of hungry kids and they needed lunch - McDonalds was the place they decided they wanted lunch from. So the car was loaded up with a group of girls, lists of who wanted what, piles of money and lots of laugher. Off we went to McDonalds to get burgers, chips, chicken nuggets and soda for all the other kids waiting back at the church. Then it was back to the church to drop of the crazy bunch of girls with their piles of goodies. Finally I could drive home. I drove half way home with the windows down because the car stunk of McDonalds!!
Sunday afternoon my in-laws came by. It was lovely to see them. Jette (my mother-in-law) brought me a beautiful bunch of flowers. We ate loads of cake, especially my mother-in-law!! but I wasn´t far behind! haha We just couldn´t get enough, it was so delicious. Obviously I didn´t make it, otherwise it wouldn´t have tasted sooo good. It was bought at the bakery.
Early Sunday evening and Kristian starting packing his case. He was leaving to go on a course with his work. This was the last thing he wanted to do, after all, it was Sunday evening and he just wanted to sit down and relax with the rest of us. Instead he had to get going to be at the conference center ready for the teaching to begin at 8pm!!
He will be away all week. He first comes home Saturday afternoon after doing his exam that morning! Another thing he is not looking forward to. It´s strange not having him around in the evenings. I miss seeing his wee smile! :-)
Saturday, 5 November 2011
A different Denmark....
A week ago I came back from Ireland and I came back to a totally different Denmark. Denmark´s forests had changed from different shades of greens to wonderful shades of browns, yellows and reds. I just love this time of year!!
It has been a really busy week. At school we are getting ready for our Christmas market. Then I have been in charge of keeping an account of the money that we are raising for our new playground. While I was gone last week things just piled up, so there were loads of things for me to take care off. I have worked a few hours extra every day, just trying to get caught up. Finally yesterday afternoon at 4.15pm I felt like I had caught up with everything and I could finally hold weekend!!
On Wednesday evening our door bell rang and when I opened the door this is what I saw.......
It was my crazy friend Anne who came by to cheer me up! She certainly did that!! haha
She had brought a basket full of little treats that reminded her of me. They made me laugh sooo much.
A bag of exspensive coffee! I better the summer Anne came by and we had no coffee so we walked up to the summermarket to buy a bag. I picked the cheapest bag I could find at about £1.30. Anne was appalled!!! She wanted me to buy the bag at £4.70!! NO WAY - we stood discussing this for ages. She felt so sorry for Kristian having to drink my cheap coffee. I have never heard the end of it! haha
A piggy bank with a few coins in it. This is to help with my parking exspenses as every time I go to town with Anne I park miles away from the center as I refuse to pay the high parking prices. This drives Anne crazy and gives her sore feet as well!! haha
A roll of toilet paper with hearts on it. This is because I usually text Anne when I am sitting on the loo! haha
A laughing bag, you know the sort, you press a button and there comes hearty laughter from it. So if I ever need a laugh I know where to go.
A couple of candles as I love to be cosy.
A box of hot chocolate, another one of my favourite drinks
A friendship book filled with information about Anne that made me smile.
And last but not least, a pair of cleaning gloves with a "diamond" ring attached. After all, even though I am a cleaning woman I can still clean with style!! haha
It was such a lovely idea that Anne had. Thank you my dear friend, so glad that I have you in my life!!
The rest of the evening was spent eating, chatting and laughing!
(Kristian also gets a laugh when we are together. Anne and I always misunderstand each other. So many times she is talking about one thing and I am talking about something else and Kristian realises this long before we do, we often hear him laughing from his wee racing seat in the next room! haha)
It´s been a good week but a busy one and my house has suffered because of the busyness of life. There has been no washing done all week so I am seriously running out of underwear. The place looks like a bomb has hit it! Honestly! Hope no one rings the door bell for the next few hours!! Well I suppose I better get going and get this place organised and cleaned.
Bye for now
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