Tuesday 14 April 2009

Back to porridge

Beep...Beep...Beep...the time was 5.35am . My alarm was ringing and I needed to wake up and greet the new day, but oh how I longed to throw my alarm out the window, pull the duvet up over my head and go back to sleep. Eventually, though at 5.50am I crawled out of bed and into the shower.

Some people need coffee to wake up in the morning, for me, I need a shower! So after my shower it actually was alright being up so early. It was a beautiful morning and I was now ready to face it.

Work went well considering one colleague was off - still on holiday. Another colleague was sick and another has every Tuesday off anyway. So we were not so many to hold the fort, but we got through the day.

On the way home from work I decided to call and see an old man that I visit from time to time. He is moving house in a few weeks so I wanted to make sure I got to see him before he moved. Had a nice hour with him.

How is it that I always pick the wrong line at the supermarket. After visiting John I decided to pop into the local supermarket and get some milk. (Thought that it should take me about 5 minutes! How wrong I was!) The supermarket was packed!! I found a line at the cash desk with not sooo many people in it, but this was the one I shouldnt have picked!! - every customer had something wrong, so the cashiers bell was always ringing for help. Think the Lord is trying to teach me patients or is that patiences???? haha

It was actually nice being at the supermarket today. (even though a bit testing at the check out!) I met alot of people I "knew" - not that well - but enough to say hello and ask how things were going with them. It made me think back to the early days in Denmark. How different it was then. I could walk around for hours and not meet one single person I knew. I would shop without having a conversation with anyone and I would feel so lonely.

As I biked home today I was filled with thankfulness....I was simply thankful for those familiar faces that I can now say hello to. (Sometimes it just does you good to find the small things in life to be thankful for.)


Lorraine said...

It's the coffee I need to waken me up! Thankfully I don't have to get up until 6.30am which seems early until I hear what time you have to get up at!

I remember the days when you moved to Denmark and didn't know anybody and couldn't speak the language (that was the first time I went out to see you). You lived in a little flat with a weird girl upstairs who just used to walk in on you whenever she felt like it!

Then a couple of years later you were speaking the language and translating for me - what a difference. You were 9 months pregnant and still playing tricks on me. Kristian went to play in a band somewhere far away and you pretended that your waters had broken and that you couldn't contact Kristian and I would have to deal with it all!!!!!

You are soooooo crazy Laura, and haven't changed a bit (thankfully!). I'm not surprised you know so many people now - you're so outgoing and friendly.

Must do some work now - takes me until about 9.30am before I really wake up!!!

Stuart and Pauline said...

Lorraine, I remember you coming back from Denmark and telling us Laura had played that trick on you. Very funny indeed. I think you were slightly traumatised though!!

Laura said...

hahaha I remember that Lorraine - I was soooo bad doing that to you, hope you forgive me for putting you through such trauma!! I remember pouring the glass of water all over my jeans to make it look real...haha those were the days!!! I could still do something like that - when will I grow up??!!!!

Wish you all could come to Denmark for a crazy girl weekend - we could have soooo much fun!!

Rhoda said...

What do you mean Laura "I could still something like that" You have done!!!! ("Oranges???????") 'Wigs to collect your poor daughter' Need I go on???????

I laughed as I read that Lorriane, for I could just imagine it all happening!

This morning I had to go back to work, and slept through the alarm!!!! If David hadn't heard it, dear knows what time I would have woken. But I do actually have a really good - albeit sad -reason, which is safer for me to put on here, than on my blog. A friend took a massive overdose yesterday, and I was tied up with things with her till about 12.30 last night, and then of course couldn't sleep, till about 4.30 this morning going over everything in my mind. She is being discharged from hospital at 7.00 tonight, so I'm going to collect her, and then another friend is coming to stay with her for a few days.

Laura said...

oh dear Rhoda I am so sorry to hear about your friend....no wonder you slept through your alarm. I really hope your friend gets the help she needs.

lisa said...

Hi Rhoda, hope your friend is ok, as I said to you before, its awful when someone feels so bad that that seems the only way out, lets hope it was a cry for help rather than them really not wanting to be here anymore.

Rhoda said...

Ok update on my friend.

She is one very 'lucky' person - indeed God has done a miracle for her. She took 16 paracetamols, a large gin & tonic & a sleeping tablet. If her friend hadn't phoned she would have been dead. The levels of 'poison' were very high, and the hospital was sure she would not be home before today - if the treatment worked! They were also sure that her liver had to be damaged with the high levels.

By yesterday afternoon her blood tests were showing a rapid return to normality and, because of that they let her home. Amazingly she has not damaged her liver!

I think when she did it, she really did want to die, even when I went on Tuesday night she was mad that she was getting better. By last night she was in shock at how close she came to death, and appreciated all the prayers that been said for her, and that she hadn't died.

Got a text from her today saying she had slept well last night, and felt much more at peace today.

She realises she has gone far from God, and that she really needs to get that sorted out - it's fair to say that she really had got into a mess. I think a few years ago she made up her mind she wanted to try out, and experience 'the world'. Well boy oh boy she's done it, and it has literally nearly killed her. We're just praying now that 'the truth would set her free' and that for the first time in years she will be honest with herself and honest with God - then He can heal her. If she doesn't then I fear she will do it again, only the next time she will succeed.

Lorraine said...

Thanks for the update Rhoda.

I can't imagine what the past few days have been like for you but I'm glad your friend seems to be more peaceful now. She's lucky to have you and her other friends, and I'm sure she'll come to realise that God made her friend think of phoning her at exactly that time. Take care of yourself Rhoda, youve been through a lot too x

Charlene said...

Hurry up and sort out the next post Laura. I was talking to your Dad this morning and he gave me a wee preview, I can't wait to see your rollers.