Thursday 2 April 2009

A Brand new them....

Sara and Andrew decided that today was the start of a fitter, healthier life!! This decision was helped alot by the fact that the sun was shining and Sara had just bought herself a new pair of running shoes. But to give Sara credit, she has spent the last few months training for her go-kart trip to Belgium so she is in pretty good shape. Andrew on the other hand has a lot of work to do!! The only thing fit on him is his fingers from pressing the computer keys!!

So this afternoon Sara went for a 5 km run. She was so energized from that, that 15 minutes later she was wanting to go out and run again!! So she got Andrew in on it too. He was literally pressurised into going a run. (He tried to come up with every excuse in the book, but Sara had an answer and a solution to any excuse he had. In the end he caved in!)

Off they went....

Then this evening I have been playing taxi driver. Kritian had to be left off at his friends house. He is staying there this evening and has tomorrow off work. His friend has bought a boat and so early tomorrow morning they are driving to the fartherest part of Denmark so they can sail it home over the weekend.

Glad its him and not me. I get sea sick just thinking about it. Anyway he was so excited about it all. He had all his sailing gear ready (most of it borrowed from friends and family since we dont have any of our own.) The good news is that I have the car for work tomorrow, which is quite alright with me:-) Another bit of good news it that tomorrow is my last day at work before Easter!! Yipieeeee!! I have all next week off plus the Monday of the following week. I can hardly wait!!


lisa said...

Well done Sara and Andrew - I couldnt run up the stairs!!!

Rhoda said...

So did they keep it up today???

I remember being about their age, and walking 'round the square' (work that out! It's a 6 mile circuit round the roads where we lived) When we got back, someone said "Why don't we cycle it now" So we did. Then when we got back from that, someone else said "Anyone up for running it?" So off we went! 18 miles one Saturday afternoon!!! Oh to be so fit again!

Also notice just how often Kristian (with the 's' Laura) is away on wee trips for one reason or another - compared to the one wee trip you had to Ireland, so I think he owes you some time!

If you're having a chat night tomorrow night, I send my apologies - we're heading away for a few days, so you'll have peace on the blog:-)!

Laura said...

Thanks Rhoda about the "s" in Kristian...I didnt notice that!! and I must say I didnt have a clue what you were talking about when you said that in the comment. I read through my post 2 times again and still didnt notice the s missing in his name...then I read your comment again then went and read my post again- it was then I spotted it!! haha AM I SLOW OR WHAT!!

Sounds great that you are getting away for a few days so I will forgive you for not making the chat night!! Hope you have a lovely time - where are you going or is that a secret!?? I sure will miss your blogging - but hey you will have lots to write about when you get back! Look forward to reading about that!

Rhoda I dont think I ever was that fit to be able to do 18 miles on one Saturday afternoon!! I with you Lisa - its hard enough running upstairs!! haha

Rhoda said...

Mmm what can I say Laura???? It's one thing to have a typo, but to have to read it 3 times - yeah I think that means YOU ARE SLOW. LOL

I'm certainly not that fit now I can tell you . Today I cycled probably 10 miles and that was plenty!!! Couldn't dream of running it - oh just thinking about it, makes me feel exhausted!

Rhoda said...

PS I meant to say poor Andrew really did look totally exhausted after that 1km! He started those first 20 metres so well . . . but he looked as though he could hardly stand up or speak when he came home, and Sara looked as though she was only getting warmed up!