Sunday 5 April 2009

Weekend in photos

The weekend started already on Thursday evening for Kristian.

After dinner I drove him home to his friend Mortens house. He was staying the night there. Early next morning Mortens wife would drive Kristian, Morten and Mortens brother up to the northern part of Denmark to collect a boat that Morten had bought. The men would then sail the boat home while Mortens poor wife turned the car round and drove the 4 - 5 hour journey back home.

Things didnt work out as they planned. The plan was that they would sail Friday afternoon and be home by late Saturday night. However there was so much fog that they were only first able to set sail Saturday afternoon.

Meanwhile we were having fun at home. Sara was at a friends birthday on Friday evening, Andrew was at home and Leah and I headed out. A town close by had late night shopping. Everything was open until 10pm!! So Leah and I went off exploring for bargins.

We had a great evening. Leah and I both have a thing about notebooks. I will buy notebooks just because they look pretty. So guess what we bought - yes - 2 notebooks each. (I know I need help!) We also had some delicious ice cream. Leah certainly enjoyed hers!!

Saturday was spring cleaning day. We all got into it, especially Andrew. When he cleans his room he REALLY cleans his room. Everything gets taken out and he goes to town with the duster and hoover. This was the sight that greeted me when I came home from food shopping (see below) Everything was moved from his room into the living room. But he did do a great job and so did the rest of us. We had a lovely clean house by tea time!
Christine (the kids cousin) came Saturday afternoon to hang out with Sara. She ended up staying overnight. So nice to see her.

Last night was chat night and I had a great few hours chatting to Charlene and Lorraine. We even had a mention on Saturday night fever on U105. (Thanks for the chat girls!) and for those of you who missed it, there is always next month!!

Today after church Kristian rang - he was close to home. I could now drive up and get him from his friends house. However he was feeling awful. He had been sea sick all night long. The wind had picked up and with it the swinging of the boat!! My poor husband couldnt handle it. He threw up every hour for about 12 hours!!
Funny thing is that on the way up to Mortens he suggested that me and him get a lend of the boat some weekend for at romantic weekend out at sea!! Yeah right!! what a weekend that would be!! hahaha

So he has been sleeping all afternoon on the sofa.

When I saw some of his pictures I realised why he maybe had a bit of a funny tummy!!
On the way home from church I had called into the bakery to buy a welcome home cake for him!! (so had half of our church - so funny we all bumped into each other there!) Anyway me and the kids had to eat the cake all by ourselves - terrible eh?!! (We actually didnt mind!)
..... it was sooooo yummie!!!!

And that was that weekend with The Rasmussen Family! (Not very exciting eh?! but I have to give you old faithfuls something to read!)


Charlene said...

That looks like so much Laura (the boat I mean). Kristian should have eaten a big bowl of spagetti bolonese - that's such to cure the sea sickness! (well it's easy to come back up!)

Did I ever tell you about the time I sailed to Holland!! ha ha ha...

Charlene said...

so much fun I mean

Laura said...

No I never heard the story about you sailing to HOlland...tell us more!!!

Charlene said...

If you are joking Laura - very funny, if you're not - you DON'T want to start me!.

By the way "I want to dance with somebody" was played for us at 11.50pm on Saturday night! I think Paul Boyd was astounded that you were in Denmark listening - he must have mentioned you about 5 times in 2hrs!

Laura said...

hahaha how funny that he mentioned me so much...and I am serious I havent heard the story abour Holland...please tell me - I LOVE your stories!!!