Monday 6 April 2009


It´s wonderful being off work - free to do whatever I want. I could really get used to this!!

Today was a relaxing day for me, well really for us all, except Kristian. He had to go to work. He was feeling so much better this morning - no more sickness! (Maybe he should think about changing jobs and joining the navy! haha) Krisitan went off to work and me and the kids had a long lie in!!

When we did eventually start the day, Leah went out to play football with some of the kids from her class. Sara was busy getting ready for her trip to Belgium. Yes, she is off travelling again. She leaves tomorrow. There is a big race in Belgium that Sara has been wanting to see. Unfortunately she couldnt afford to go down and see it, after just being there. But you know the saying, where there´s a will there´s a way. Well Sara found a way! One of the racing teams wanted someone to come and make food for them. They asked Sara who jumped at the chance - her trip would be all paid she would get to see the different races. She was so happy. Only one small detail that she forgot about - SHE CANT COOK!!!! haha Those poor people, they dont know what they are in for! Andrew spent the day hanging out with Shadow (the cat) and his computer buddies.

As for me - I decided to paint. I had a lovely afternoon painting. I tried, once again, modern art but had to give up. I just cant paint modern art. So here is what I did paint.....

When Kristian arrived home I headed out to Ikea with my friend Audry (missed you Rhona). We had a great time, as usual, walking around looking for bargins. I got new bed clothes for Leahs bed and our own bed. It cost just £8 for the two!! Now thats a bargin. Ended the night at Mcdonalds!

1 comment:

lisa said...

Lucky you!! Free time - whats that lol??!!!