Wednesday 21 July 2010

Another walk down memory lane...

Tonight I was at my brother's place. We had a really fun evening with delicious food. I got introduced to a person that I had never heard of before: Shaun the sheep!! What a funny animation! Leah and I laughed so much. We loved it! (Thanks Jim for introducing us!hahaha)

I had, yet again, a walk down memory lane. My Aunty Laura (and my Aunty Min when she was home from Canada) would always have a dance whenever she came up for supper. Aunt Laura only lived down the street so she was often in our house for supper, so as you can imagine, there were many dances held in our living room. My aunt Laura loved to do the slush, and before long the rest of us would be up doing it with her. Great times they were!!

Well tonight Jim stuck some good music on and I must be like my namesake, cause before long I was up dancing and Jim joined in too!! haha It was fun!


Rhoda said...

And you had to choose the room with no space in it to dance in!!! You at least go could through the open door:)
I tell you what's hilarious is seeing Jim laughing, but instead of hearing him - hearing you!
Looks like great fun . . . again! You're a magnet for laughter & crazy fun.

lisa said...

I agree with Rhoda, like I said on FB I thought you were going to dance yourself right out into the hall and end up dancing on your own!!!

The two Jim's definitely have a musical talent for the spoons by the way!!

Stuart and Pauline said...

Laura, you and your whole family are just absolutely bonkers. Never change!!!!