Tuesday 27 July 2010

A secret place...

...that is what I have been thinking about today.

Psalm 91,1 says " He who dwells in the secret place of the Most High shall remain stable and fixed under the shadow of the Almighty."

Let me share what I read today; God has a secret place where we can dwell in peace and safety. The secret place is the place of rest in God, a place of peace and comfort in Him. This secret place is a "spiritual place" where worry vanishes and peace reigns. It is the place of God´s presence. When we spend time praying and seeking God and dwelling in His presence, we are in the secret place. This is the place God wants His people to live. (He who DWELLS....dwells means "to make one´s home, reside, live.") Our heavenly Father does not want us just to visit Him once in a while. He wants us to dwell under the shadow of His wings, to abide there, to live there. When we do that, we remain stable and fixed.

(There was a lot more but I will stop here!)

This just spoke to me today. How many times do I run in and out of the secret place?! Many times! I need to learn to dwell there...to live under the shadow of the Almighty. What a great place to be!! Under His shadow I find peace, joy, and strength!

On a hot summers day if I sit out in the sun I end up getting really uncomfortable. I sweat, the heat becomes unbearable and I usually end up having no energy, being in a bad mood and feeling sooo fed up. (that´s the truth!) But how wonderful it is when I find a tree and can sit under it, in its shadow. In the shade of the tree the heat becomes bearable, I don´t sweat as much and I find a little strength again.

Well how much more wonderful it is to dwell in the shadow of the Almighty! When the "heat" from the world is getting to us, when things are unbearable, when we are beginning to feel fed up, under there we can find rest for our weary soul, we can take a "break" from the "heat" and find the strength that we need to go on. (But I´m still learning to dwell there and not just go in and out on visits!)

Steven Curtis Chapman has been a "friend" of mine since 1989 when I first heard his music in Corfu on holiday with Rhoda.

When I was in Ireland I bought one of his CD´s for Kristian. Since then we haven´t stop listening to him. Well ,today I was playing piano for a while and came across one of his music books in my collection. I started singing my way through the book (not a pleasant experience for the rest of the poor family!) But I found one of his songs which I had not listened to in a while. It fitted in with what I was reading about a hiding place, so I thought I would share it. (it´s in the video above.)

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