Sunday 18 July 2010


This morning I was back at my old church. (It holds so many good memories for me!) It was really nice to be there again.

This morning, to my surprise, my friend Charlene son was doing the childrens address. I must say, I was impressed. He did such a good job. I know how nerve wrecking it is to stand up in a church and talk. He did sooo well. Charlene you can be sooooo proud of him.

So talking about Richview. Charlene and I have arranged an evening this Tuesday (20th July) at 7pm, down at Richview. It is open to all who wish to come. The idea is just to have fun and fellowship together. Maybe we will go a walk down memory lane by singing some old songs, or doing a GB dance or two, or a march around the room!!! haha There will be a cup of tea and piece of cake provided, so if you want to come along - feel free. (You can put a comment on here and let me know if you are coming, then I know how much cake to buy!)

Hope to see many "old" faces again!!


lisa said...

Oh just buy loads of cake, it wont go to waste haha!! Im really looking forward to it (the reunion not the cake, well ok the cake too) lol!!

Lorraine said...

Looking forward to it - might be a bit late as I have to wait for Brian to get home and he could be a bit late but save me some cake!!

Laura said...

Hi Lorraine I thought you were away? Oh that is soooo great that you can be there!!!! Yipieeeee:-)

Rhoda said...

You have all these friends who bake, and you're buying cake???
Hope you have a great time:)