For those of you who don´t know, I work in a school and I have been asked to teach the 3rd and 4th graders English - as their second language.(WHAT??!!!! I hear you scream!!!! I know, those poor children! They will be speaking with such bad grammar and a Belfast accent too, so they will!!! hahaha)
Well, I said I would give it a try as I do love teaching children.
Today I got out all the material and went through it. I made my years plan for the 3rd and 4th grade (something I have to do - this is given to the parents so they can follow what you plan to teach!) I even got my first 2 lessons planned in detail and 6 others outlined. I am soooo fired up!! It has been wonderful preparing things in English. I am really looking forward to this challenge. (Now wait to hear what I say at the end of August when I have been teaching for a few weeks - it will probably be another story! But I hope not!)
He needed a screen to go along with his PS3 (as his computer screen doesn´t have the right specifications - or something like that!) Unfortunately he didn´t have enough money for that, but next Thursday he has a birthday, so today we decided to buy him an early birthday present - a new screen to match his new PS3. He was over the moon. He didn´t have to wait to play with his new toy. (and now I don´t have to run around looking for presents for him! It´s a win, win situation!)
Yes - it has been one good day! I can go to bed with a half empty head!!! I still have the church work to organise, but I´ll make a start on that tomorrow, then my head will be totally empty and I can enjoy the last few days of my holidays!
Well done you and well done Andrew, for saving all that money. Connor got his for Christmas, I havent seen him since ha ha ha!! They do all this online gaming too, its all a bit over my head!
I will be praying for you for your teaching, what date do you start? I couldnt teach a load of teenagers, you are so brave!!
I start the teaching on the 12th August!(gulp - help!!!) but even though it´s 3rd and 4th graders, that´s wee kids...they are 8, 9 and 10 years old. (Over here schools go from 0 - 9th grade)
I would NEVER be able to teach older kids...that´s when they start to learn grammar etc. Here I will be teaching them how to introduce themselves, colours, body parts, conversation, etc - easy things! haha Things I can just about do!! haha
Don´t know about being brave - stupid may be, brave, definitely not!! hahaha
I have never seen Andrew with such a big smile!!!!:)
Well done for saving up for it himself. A good lesson to learn early in life.
I think you meant get your head cleared not emptied! LOL
NO I did mean empty!!hahaha I wrote empty on purpose!! haha (I was just trying to be funny!! you know like empty head...nothing in there!!)
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