Thursday 19 February 2009

Give away your salt

Years ago my dad worked with a man called George. He was a christian like dad, so they had many good times of fellowship together. Well I was talking to dad yesterday and he was telling me that Georges wife had died. He had just come home from the funeral.

Now I remember George and his wife Melba well. When I was a kid we would go and visit them and we always had a great evening with them. Melba was something special, a really lovely lady. A woman after Gods own heart.

Well dad went on to tell me about the funeral - how beautiful it was. He told me about the tribute that was given to Melba, the stories that were told about her. It really touched me. She was a lady who put love into action. She helped people in need, even strangers.

For example dad told me about a day that she was in a charity shop. This man came in and tried on a jacket. He liked it and went up to pay for it. Unfortunately he was £3 short, so he had to go hang the jacket back where he found it. Melba being the woman she was noticed this and went up to the counter and asked the lady why he had left the jacket back again. The lady explained. Melba then gave the woman the extra £3 and told her to call the man back and let him have the jacket. (This was just one of many acts of kindness)

It just made me think about a song that I love by Ray Boltz. He sings about a dream he had of heaven and how the little things done here on earth, the things that seemed so unimportant, that went un-noticed, were great things in Gods kingdom. Have a listen to it.... (I think the words are just great)

Thats what life is all about. Letting God use us in our every day lives, to touch the people we come into contact with.

Sitting on the train today I was reading my wee daily reading book and I read this:

Matthew 5, 13 " You are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its is not good for anything any longer."

For much of our lives, many of us try to find happiness the wrong way. We attempt to find it in getting, but it is found in giving. Love must give, it is the nature of love to do so. (John 3,16)

We show love to others by meeting their needs - practical needs as well as spiritual needs. Generousity is love in action. Love is seen through edification and encouragement, patience, kindness, courtesy, humility, unselfishness, good temper, gentleness and sincerity. We should actively pursue ways to show love, especially in the little things.

In Matthew 5, 13 Jesus tellsus we are the salt of the earth, but if salt has lost its flavour it is not good for anything.

I say that all of life is tasteless without love. Even acts of generosity done out of obligation but devoid of sincere love leaves us empty. Love is the salt, the energy of life, the reason to get up every morning.

Every day can be exciting if we see ourselves as Gods secret agents, waiting in the shadows to sprinkle some salt on all the tasteless lives we encounter.

I thought that last part was so beautiful!! To be Gods secret agent going around sprinkling salt into the tasteless lives we encounter. WOW - thats what I want to do! I believe thats what Melba did in her life and now she is reaping her reward in heaven. Wonder how many people she is going to meet that are there because she in some small way gave what she had to God for Him to use.


Etta said...

Lovely post Laura. Random and even reckless acts of kindness like Melba's - lets have more of them.

Charlene said...

On the news this morning there was a report of a man who had moved into "fold housing". He was found in his flat a few days after he died. Apparently a very private man with no family or friends so it seems. Nobody knew anything about him. What a sad, saltless society we live in. Self sufficiency isn't all it's cracked up to be, when no human contact is required. So this is one time when it's acceptable to say " loads of salt please".

lisa said...

Thats a really sad story Charlene, the poor man.

Rhoda said...

Laura, that Ray Boltz song reminded me of Linda Corry! She was the first one I heard sing it 'live'

Great story - could have came straight out 'Our Daily Bread".

Charlene I so hate to hear of stories like that - it is dreadful, but probably more common that we want to admit.

Laura said...

A really sad story Charlene. I think there is a lot of lonely people all around us....

Rhoda I didnt know that Linda Corry sang learn something new everyday!! But I can imagine Linda singing it - its her type of song!!