Tuesday 24 February 2009

A day with a difference....

When I came home today from work there was a surprise waiting on me. A big box from home! Inside there were all sorts of nice goodies. It sure brought a big smile to my face!! (Thanks Lisa!)

I decided that instead of tidying up and doing a whole lot of things that I had planned, that I would plant myself on the sofa, put my feet up and eat 2 packs of cheese and onion crips and 2 rocky biscuits along with a glass of you know what!! I turned on the TV and watched Dr Phil and Friends. It has been soooo long since I have done that. (I usually come home and check blogs and emails and then get stuck into things that need done.) Must say I really did enjoy the lazy afternoon.

Then this evening I was going out with my crazy friend Anne. (as she is affectionately known!)
It has been sooo long since we have been out together. We decided to go to the local chinese. Their food tastes sooo good (and it doesnt cost so much.)

We had a brilliant evening together. Lots of chatter and off course lots of laughter.


Charlene said...

Glad you had such a good day - sounds perfect!

It's payday here tomorrow so chinese all round tomorrow night! Can't wait - no cooking. Hurray.

Rhoda said...

Lisa are you mad in the head?????? Imagine sending food packages to Denmark:-)

Laura so good of you to put your address on the www for the whole world to see, now if you start getting strange letters you'll know why!!!!

Hope 'the cat' was tasty - I do hope that Shadow didn't hear that piece of video!!!!

Laura said...

Oh Rhoda thanks - I totally forgot about that. You will notice that I never mention what town we go to buy things or what town we live in...thanks!!stupid stupid stupid

Rhoda said...

No problem Laura - I'll look after you! A very easy mistake to make!

Rhoda said...
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lisa said...

Your very welcome Laura! Hope you put the bread in the freezer quick though or it will be all mouldy!!

Yes Rhoda, I probably am mad but sure isnt everyone who's friends with Laura!!

Rhoda said...
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